How to evolve Basculin into Basculegion in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask

Basculegion, first introduced in Pokemon Legends Arceus, has a unique evolution method

How to evolve Basculin into Basculegion in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask

Wondering how to evolve Basculin into Basculegion?

Basculegion is a special evolution of Basculin that was introduced in Pokemon Legends Arceus. The Pokemon, which was rideable in Pokemon Legends Arceus, returns in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask, though sadly it isn’t rideable this time.

In order to evolve Basculin, you’re going to have to do some damage to it, we’ve detailed exactly how to evolve Basculin into Basculegion below.

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How to evolve Basculin into Basculegion: Basculin location

How to evolve Basculin into Basculegion in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask

You can find the white-stripped version of Basculin in The Timeless Woods. Remember, you must use the white-striped version, as the others won’t evolve. If you’ve completed the main game and have a powerful team, then Basculin will appear around Level 73.

How to evolve Basculin into Basculegion

How to evolve Basculin into Basculegion in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask

In order to evolve Basculin into Basculegion, Basculin has to take damage without fainting. Specifically, Basculin has to take 293 damage in battle recoil damage. You are able to heal between battles, but your Pokemon cannot faint, or it will restart the timer.

Keep track of the damage it has taken, and once you’ve crossed the damage threshold, you can then evolve

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