How to catch a Horse in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Everything you need to know about catching a horse

Catching a horse in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is an essential early task as it allows you to traverse the massive world far easier than walking, or gliding.
The main strategies for catching a horse are stealth and patience. You’re also going to want to make sure that you have a large amount of stamina, and that you’re near a stable if you want to register that horse and keep it for the rest of the game.
Read on to find out how to catch a Horse in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
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Zelda Tears of the Kingdom guide: How to catch a Horse

In order to catch a horse in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you’re going to have to employ stealth.
First, you’ll need to find horses, they usually roam in the fields near the smaller towns on the map, and the first and most easy place to find them is to the west of Lookout Landing.
Once you’ve located the group of horses that you want to try to catch, you’re going to have to crouch far away from them and begin slowly moving your analog stick toward them.
If you move too quickly, they’ll get spooked and shoot off in random directions. However, if you get close enough, you’ll be given the prompt to mount them.
Once you’ve done this, the real difficulty begins. In order to catch a horse, you have to soothe it, which boils down to holding the L on the controller while it tries to buck you off.
While some horses will calm down after a short amount of time, there are others that are so aggressive that even with two full bars of stamina, we couldn’t tame them.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom guide: How to register a Horse

In order to register a hose in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll have to take it to a stable, which can be found in most of the central areas of the map. Once you’re at one of these stables, simply talk to the person at the desk while you’re on your horse and you’ll be given the option to name it. This will also unlock the ability to recall your horse whenever you want.