How Long is Spider-Man 2?

How long it took us to beat the game, and how long it took to get the Spider-Man 2 platinum trophy

How Long is Spider-Man 2?

How long is Spider-Man 2?

Spider-Man 2 is out now and players around the world are playing the third entry in Insomniac‘s Spider-Man series.

But how long is Spider-Man 2 and how long does it take to get the Platinum trophy? Find out below.

How long is Spider-Man 2?

How Long is Spider-Man 2?
  • We finished the main story in Spider-Man 2 in around 16 hours. 

This was a playthrough where we largely focussed on story, and left most of the side content for the end of the game. This is likely very unlike how most players will play Spider-Man 2, especially because the side content is of such a high quality.

There are 31 main missions in Spider-Man 2, however, some of these “missions” are little more than cutscenes that are counted in the missions tab.

You will likely take much longer to finish Spider-Man 2, as there were full side quest chains that we didn’t even begin by the time the credits rolled, so keen were we to see the game’s main story through to the conclusion.

How long to Platinum Spider-Man 2?

How Long is Spider-Man 2?

We got the Spider-Man 2 Platinum trophy in around 25 hours.

The Spider-Man 2 platinum is very easy to attain, with most of the trophies coming during normal playing.

However, there are some collectibles that you’ll need to go after, such as the Spider-Bots, thankfully we have complete guides to the location of every Spider-Bot in the game.

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