How to open Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors

Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors – How to open every puzzle door in Hogwarts Legacy

How to open Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors

Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors are hidden all over Hogwarts Castle.

As you explore the school, you’ll find several Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors and, in order to open them and unlock what’s inside, you’ll have to solve a number puzzle.

While the puzzle doors themselves seem like basic math, an annoying quirk about the numbers the symbols around the door represent is easy to miss if you don’t find the right instruction.

We’ll also tell you what there is to find behind the Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors  and if they’re worth going after.

So we’ve written this guide to let you know how to complete the puzzle doors in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy guides:

Hogwarts Legacy Merlin Trials | Hogwarts Legacy Statues | Hogwarts Legacy Keys | Daedalian Key locations | Elder Wand location | Hogwarts Legacy killing curse | Hogwarts Legacy pages

Hogwarts Legacy puzzle door code

How to open Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors

Each of the symbols relates to a specific number, the guide is:

  • Demiguise – 0
  • Unicorn – 1
  • Dragon – 2
  • Hyra – 3
  • Owl – 4
  • Quintaped – 5
  • Salamander – 6
  • Grindylow (Octapus) – 7
  • Spider – 8
  • Snakes – 9

If you’ve spent any time wandering around the castle in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ve probably found your path impeded by one of these puzzle doors.

They are often found near two question mark devices on the wall, which can be spun around to reveal other symbols. Not only that but there’s a puzzle clue on the door itself.

When you first encounter one of these puzzles, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the code, which features 10 animals surrounding the door, represents the numbers from 1-10. However, this isn’t the case.

As a matter of fact, the only way to find this out,  without simply brute forcing it (which is pretty easy considering there are only two sets of symbols to spam through,) is to find a piece of parchment near a symbols door in the rafters of the Bell Tower wing.

The game never points you in this direction, so unless you choose to explore that corner of the castle on your own, you’re never going to find it. There are plenty of rooms in Hogwarts like this, most of them are either filled with collectibles or fan service, so make sure to keep exploring.

Unlike the Daedalian Keys and Alohomora locks, there’s no main quest that tells you how to open the Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors, so you either have to figure it out yourself or find this elusive  parchment.

How to open Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors

As soon as you know that the symbols actually mean 0-9 instead of 1-10, it makes the process of opening the puzzle doors extremely simple.

Usually, there’s a decent-sized chest behind these puzzle doors, and on a few occasions, some field guide pages of a Demiguise statue. You’ll also be able to collect a few of the Revelio Field Guide Pages through these doors, although non of them are necessary for the story, simply to complete your field guide and tick off a few challenges.

You’ll be able to see what is behind the puzzle door by using Revelio in front of it, which will show if it’s just a random gear chest or something more significant.

Hogwarts Legacy Puzzle Doors: What is behind the doors?

Typically you’ll find a small chest behind most of the puzzle doors in Hogwarts Legacy, which can be somewhat disappointing, especially as the loot in the game is largely randomized.

In some cases, you’ll find locations that contain Field Guide pages hidden from view, so it’s worth opening all of them. However, there’s also a chance that you simply find some gold.

Fun fact that was only recently discovered: If you’ve become so lazy during your time with Hogwarts that you don’t want to enter the room, you can actually use Accio to retrieve most of the loot in the game.

There are no puzzle doors that are required to progress the story, this is exclusively for those who are looking to complete their field guide. Even if you do this, the only thing you’ll find yourself with is an underwhelming cutscene wherein Professor Weasley tells you that you’ve still got more things to find, even if you don’t.

Behind one of the Puzzle Doors holds the Arithmancy classroom, a room that has never appeared in the films and was only briefly mentioned in the Harry Potter books, making it a fun easter egg for hardcore fans. There’s no reason to visit this classroom aside from field guide completion.

Arithmancy was a subject that was introduced in the third year of school at Hogwarts, offered to third-year students as an elective, meaning they weren’t forced to take it.

The subject never appeared in the Harry Potter films, as in the third year, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione Granger, didn’t take the subject in third year, instead opting to take Ancient Runes.

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