Hogwarts Legacy Sorting Hat: How to choose your Hogwarts house
How to choose your Hogwarts House in Hogwarts Legacy

In Hogwarts Legacy, the Sorting Hat quiz ceremony is one of the first things you’ll do when you arrive at Hogwarts.
Joining the school in your fifth year, you’re going to need to be assigned a Hogwarts House before you begin your journey.
The Sorting Hat quiz will give you a few questions which will choose your house for you, but if you want to guarantee that you’re sorted into the house that you’ve always dreamed of being in, this Sorting Hat guide is the perfect guide for you.
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Hogwarts Legacy Sorting Hat: How to choose your Hogwarts house
Once you arrive at Hogwarts, you’ll be taken to the Sorting Ceremony in the Great Hall.
Firstly, you’ll be asked about your preferences and preconceptions. These questions generally only have a few answers.
- You’ll be asked to answer between “I can’t wait to start classes,” or “I can’t wait to get out and explore.”
It does not matter which answer you give here, as it’s the second lot of answers that determine which Hogwarts house the sorting hat quiz will assign you to.

After giving your first answer, you’ll be asked what the Sorting Hat senses in you. You’ll be given four options, each of which corresponds to a house. If you want to be sorted into Gryffindor, pick “Daring,” for Slytherin, it’s “Ambition,” for Hufflepuff it’s “Loyalty,” and for Ravenclaw, it’s “Curiosity.”
And that’s it. The Sorting Hat quiz is much better than that on Pottermore, with only two questions, only one of which matter. If you don’t like which house you are given, you can change it.
Hogwarts Legacy Sorting Hat: Can you change your Hogwarts house?
No. Currently, there is no way to change your Hogwarts house after you have selected it.
However, if you’re looking to play through the game and experience all that Hogwarts Legacy has to offer, you’re in luck. The game offers multiple save files, so you’re able to create a witch or wizard from each house, and then experience the game. You’ll also need to do this if you’re looking to earn the game’s Platinum trophy.
Hogwarts Legacy Sorting Hat: Does your house matter?

When it comes to the major difference between the four Hogwarts houses, the main thing that changes depending on what house you choose is the location of your house on the Hogwarts grounds. The Gryffindor common room, which is a warm, inviting living room, often seen in the Harry Potter films, can be found high in the castle, in the Astronomy Tower.
The Slytherin common room is a dark, cold expanse located under the black lake of Hogwarts. You can find it in the dungeons. The Ravenclaw common room can be found in the tallest tower of the school other than the headmaster’s office. The Ravenclaw common room is also the only common room that has a door to the outside of the castle, meaning you can fly into it by landing on the correct tower.
You may have noticed that if you try to enter the Ravenclaw common room from the outside of another house, you’ll simply find a locked door that can’t be unlocked by any other house.
The Hufflepuff common room can be found in the Hogwarts kitchens. This common room is behind a painting.
While the quests you have access to in the game remain the same regardless of your house, there is one quest, the location of which will change depending on which house you are in.
This quest, which occurs around 90 minutes into the game’s running time involves the death of Richard Jackdaw. While Gryffindor will interact with The Headless Hunt and Slytherin will explore the bowels of the school, Hufflepuff will get to visit Azkaban, the only house that will be able to do so in the game.
You can revisit the Sorting Hat by visiting the headmaster’s office. While you can’t change your house by doing this, you can use Revelio on the Sorting Hat in order to receive new information about the legendary hat.
However, the reward for said quest remains the same regardless, and you’ll still get access to the side quest that is earned towards the end of the mission.