Hogwarts Legacy Solved By The Bell map solution
Solved By The Bell solution in Hogwarts Legacy

This guide will tell you exactly how to complete the Solved By The Bell map quest in Hogwarts Legacy.
You’ll get the quest later in the game, but like all of the Hogwarts Legacy map quests, they’re tricky to work out.
What makes Solved By The Bell even harder is that it requires you to complete a musical puzzle, but thankfully we have the solution for you below.
Read on for a full Solved By The Bell guide as well as a Hogwarts Legacy map which will show you exactly where to start the quest.
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Hogwarts Legacy Solved By The Bell: How to start the quest

In order to start the Hogwarts Legacy Solved By The Bell quest you have to pick up a map from a specific dungeon, if you’ve not gone to the dungeon by chance, we’ll show you where to go.
The map that’s required to start the Hogwarts Legacy Solved By The Bell quest can be found in Herietta’s Hideaway, which is a hidden dungeon right at the bottom of the map.
Enter the dungeon and fight your way through the Ashwinders. Don’t leave until you’ve found the map, which is on a table in the final room. If you can’t find it, use Revelio to highlight it in the world. Picking up this map will begin the quest.
Hogwarts Legacy Solved By The Bell: Solved by the Bell Map solution

Fly to, or use the Floo network to head to Clagmar Castle. Go behind the castle into the Clagmar Castle Vault. Be warned, there’s a large Ashwinder presence here that will be between levels 20 and 30, so be prepared for a fight.
You’ll need to clear them out before you start the solution to the puzzle.
Hogwarts Legacy Solved By The Bell: Bell puzzle

In order to complete the puzzle, you’re going to have to use the basic cast on the bells in a specific order. Hit the bells in the following order:
- Solved by the Bell order: 85345124
Doing so will play a familiar wizarding tune, and complete the quest. Don’t worry if you mess it up, simply spam one bell and you’ll reset the music. The musical track will play below the bells.
And that’s how to solve Solved By The Bell in Hogwarts Legacy