Hogwarts Legacy Imperio: How to get the Imperius Curse

Where to find Imperio in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Imperio: How to get the Imperius Curse

Hogwarts Legacy Imperio is an extremely useful spell, as it allows players to take enemies under their control.

The Imperius Curse, or Imperio, is one of the three Unforgivable Curses, the three spells, Avada Kedavra, Imperius, and Cruciatus all feature in Hogwarts Legacy.

In the Wizarding World “The use of any one of them on a fellow human being is enough to earn a life sentence in Azkaban,” but in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll get the chance to learn them, and use them against enemies out in the world.

Many casters would claim to be under the influence of Imperior themselves when caught casing it – a loophole dark wizards and witches used to avoid being sent to Azkaban.

But how do you learn Imperio in Hogwarts Legacy? Keep reading to find out.

In Harry Potter lore, the Imperius Curse places the victim completely under the caster’s control, and only an individual of exceptional mental strength is able to resist it.

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How to get the Imperio in Hogwarts Legacy

In order to unlock Imperio in Hogwarts Legacy, you must first complete a series of quests in Sebastian’s quest line. Eventually, you’ll be offered the quest “In The Shadows Of Time”.

This sees the player and Sebastian return to Feldcroft, Sebastian’s childhood home. Once here, the pair will enter a catacomb in order to uncover an ancient relic.

Once at the end of the mission, the player will have the option to learn The Imperius Curse from Sebastian, which will then allow the player to take enemies under their control during battles.

Hogwarts Legacy Imperio upgrades

In Hogwarts Legacy, learning Imperio will let you perform the curse on one enemy at a time, making them loyal to your side for a brief period, attacking their allies.

However, by upgrading the spell using talent points, which are earned by leveling up, you can actually improve the spell and cause it to influence more than one enemy at a time.

Not only this, but by using Imperio, it will curse the enemy you use it on, meaning that even when they are no longer under your control, they will still take additional damage from attacks.

Other Unforgivable Curses

Hogwarts Legacy also features the other two Unforgivable Curses, Avada Kedavra and Cruciatus.

Crucio is an extremely powerful spell, torturing the victim and making them take damage over the course of a battle. Meanwhile, Avada Kedavra is the most powerful spell in the game.

We also have guides on how to acquire the Crucio curse and the Avada Kedavra curse.

Hogwarts Legacy Imperio: Is there a punishment?

Strangely, there is no punishment in Hogwarts Legacy for using Imperio in Hogwarts Legacy, even in front of teachers.

In the Harry Potter books and films, using Imperio was an easy way to earn a one-way ticket to the wizard prison, Azkaban. After the defeat of Voldamort, many dark wizards claimed that they only ever did the bidding of The Dark Lord under the influence of the Imperio curse.

As Hogwarts Legacy features no morality system, there’s no punishment for using the spell.

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