Hogwarts Legacy Hippogriff: How to get a Hippogriff
Where to find the Hippogriff in Hogwarts Legacy

In Hogwarts Legacy, the Hippogriff mount is one of the many flying options that players have.
If you’ve had your fill using a broomstick in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll be able to follow in the footsteps of Harry Potter on Buckbeak as you sore over the Hogwarts grounds on the back of Highwing the Hippogriff.
But how do you get the Hippogriff mount in Hogwarts Legacy and how do you unlock the special Onyx Hippogriff mount?
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Hogwarts Legacy Hippogriff: Hippogriff location

In Hogwarts Legacy, you’re given access to the Hippogriff after a specific mission in the game. The mission in question, “To The High Keep”, sees you meet Natty near old castle ruins while tracking Theophilus Harlow.
When you travel to Falbarton Castle, you run into poachers that have captured Highwing the Hippogriff and another, Onxy Hippogriff.
You’ll have to fight off some poachers on your way through the castle, but you should make sure to fully loot every room in the castle, as several collectible chests can be found in some of the rooms off the beaten path.
We recommend the Disillusionment charm, which turns the user invisible and will allow you to stealth your way through the castle.
Once you complete this mission, at the end you’ll ride away from the Falbarton Castle on the Hippogriff, unlocking it as a mount that can be used for the rest of the game.
Hogwarts Legacy Hippogriff:
Onyx Hippogriff

The Onyx Hippogriff is a pre-order exclusive to Hogwarts Legacy. It’s currently unclear if the Onxy Hippogriff will be sold separately at any point.
Once you unlock the Hippogriff as part of The High Keep, you can then use the Onxy Hippogriff.
Hogwarts Legacy Hippogriff: Where to find wild Hippogriff

You can find Hippogriff in several locations, including the Forbidden Forest, and in the South West, near Feldcroft.
You can tame Hippogriff by using either Leviosa or Accio, which will stun them for a short while and allow you to use your catching device in order to catch the Hippogriff.
After this, you can take it back to your room of requirement, wherein you can breed, collect and display as many Hippogriff as you’d like. You can get more information on the Hogwarts Legacy beast locations in our guide.