Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Key Locations
Follow our guide for how to find all sixteen Daedalian Keys hidden around Hogwarts

Daedalian Keys in Hogwarts Legacy are one of the first collectibles that you’ll come across in Hogwarts Legacy.
Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Keys are one of the first collectible side quests you’ll be offered in the game.
While you can get fifteen of the sixteen Hogwarts Legacy Keys as soon as you begin the quest, one of the Daedalian Keys is behind a locked door, which requires Alohomora, thankfully we have a guide on unlocking Alohomora and finding all the required statues.
You can start the quest by speaking to Nellie Oggspire, who can be found in the Transfiguration courtyard.
Although the quest will be presented to you very early in the game, you won’t actually be able to complete the quest until later on in Hogwarts Legacy, as multiple spells are required for completing the quest.
Read on for your full guide to all Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Key locations.
Hogwarts Legacy guides:
Hogwarts Legacy Merlin Trials | Hogwarts Legacy Statues | Hogwarts Legacy Keys | Daedalian Key locations | Elder Wand location | Hogwarts Legacy killing curse | Hogwarts Legacy pages
Daedalian Key locations – Hogwarts Legacy
All of the Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Keys can be found within Hogwarts.
- There are 2 Daedalian Keys in the Astronomy Tower
- There are 2 Daedalian Keys in the Great Hall
- There are 3 Daedalian Keys in the Bell Tower Wing
- There are 4 Daedalian Keys in the Library Annex
- There are 3 Daedalian Keys in the South Wing
How to start The Daedalian Keys quest
The Daedalian Keys is one of the first side quests that you can start in Hogwarts Legacy. You can start the quest by speaking to Nellie Oggspire, who can be found in the Transfiguration courtyard. You can’t miss Nellie as she’ll be shouting about the Daedalian Keys as loud as she can as you make your way through the area.
All you need to do to start the side quest “The Daedalian Keys,” is speak to Nellie. Which will mercifully stop her from shouting.
The quest itself can be started very early on in the game, although it can’t be completed until later in the game when you have access to every spell.
But it’s worth picking up the quest as soon as you can, so you knock off each of the keys as you come across them during your journey throughout Hogwarts Castle. You can also revisit the quest at any time, as none of the areas of the castle are closed off to you, regardless of where you are in the game.
You’ll then be sent off to find the elusive keys, which can be found around the different areas of Hogwarts.
Daedalian Key Rewards
Every time you capture a Daedalian Key, you’ll be rewarded with a house token by following them to their nearby locked cabinet.
However, once you collect all of them, you can return to your common room in exchange for a special reward: your very own house robe.
The House robe, which as the game may suggest, changes for every house, is a special robe that reacts to your spells. The robe changes color and lights up based on the spell you use when wearing the robe. As you may have guessed, you only have the opportunity to acquire the house robe for the Hogwarts house that you chose at the start of the game.
How to solve the Daedalian Key puzzles

If you’ve wandered around the Hogwarts castle in Hogwarts Legacy before you take on this quest, you may have found these large cabinets in quiet areas around the school.
While you can’t interact with them outside of the mission, they do appear when you use Revelio, leading many to wonder how to solve the Daedalian key puzzles, wonder no longer with our full guide to every single Daedalian Key cabinet in the castle.
Once you’ve started the quest, you’ll find flying keys littered around the castle, sixteen of them in total. Once you find them using our Hogwarts Legacy key guide below, follow them to the cabinet and interact with it.
To open it, you’ll need to smash the key into the door as it crosses the keyhole.
All Daedalian Key locations
1. Astronomy Tower Daedalian Key

The first Daedalian Key can be found in the Astronomy Tower. You’re led to it as part of the Daedalian Key quest so it’s easy enough to find.
2. Astronomy Tower Daedalian Key

The second Daedalian Key can be found near the skeleton on the floor below the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. Chase it up the stairs and round to the left, and the cabinet it there.
3. The Great Hall Daedalian Key

The third Daedalian Key is in The Great Hall. Travel to The Great Hall Floo location and look over to the fireplace on the left side of The Great Hall. The key will then fly just behind where the Floo location is, up a short set of stairs.
4. The Great Hall Daedalian Key

The fourth Daedalian Key is just outside of The Great Hall. Travel to The Great Hall Floo location and head out the doors, then through the next two doors until you’re in the entrance hall. You’ll see the key floating in front of your face, where it will then run off just down the stairs and to the cabinet on the right side.
5. The Bell Tower Daedalian Key

The fifth Daedalian Key can be found by fast traveling to the Bell Tower courtyard, then head left up the first flight of stairs. You’ll see the Daedalian Key, which will then fly up the stairs behind you. Head to the top of the flight of stairs to find the key.
6. The Bell Tower Daedalian Key

The sixth Daedalian Key is in the Dungeons. You can get to the Dungeons via the Bell Tower courtyard. Instead of heading upstairs for the last key, head down. The key is in front of the large dragon statue.
7. The Bell Tower Daedalian Key

The seventh Daedalian Key is along the hall from the last, simply follow it around the corner, it’s the easiest to find of the bunch.
8. Library Annex Daedalian Key

Right outside the Potions classroom, the eighth Daedalian Key will see you chase it down the stairs and along the hall.
9. Library Annex Daedalian Key

The ninth Daedalian Key is at the opposite side of the corridor from the potions classroom in the central hall. Some students are sitting on a bench. The key will then zoom off near the puzzle door.
10. Library Annex Daedalian Key

The tenth Daedalian Key is in the library, on the left side near the fireplace.
11. Library Annex Daedalian Key

The eleventh Daedalian Key is in the central hall, at the top three flights of stairs opposite the library.
12. Grand Staircase Daedalian Key

The twelfth Daedalian Key can be found near the top of the Grand Staircase. Travel to the Grand Staircase tower Floo and run down three flights of stairs, you’ll see it flying around.
13. Grand Staircase Daedalian Key

The thirteenth Daedalian Key is in the Quad Courtyard under a large archway to the left of the Floo location.
14. South Wing Daedalian Key

The fourteenth Daedalian Key is down the long portrait hall from the statue of Boris the Bewildered.
15. South Wing Daedalian Key

The fifteenth Daedalian Key is further down the Hospital Wing stairs from the previous key, beyond the prefect’s bathroom.
16. South Wing Daedalian Key

The sixteenth Daedalian Key is near the dueling club and requires Alohomora. Head up the stairs and you’ll see the key near the pendulum required for the Hogwarts Secrets quest.