Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb Treasure: How to solve Cursed Tomb Treasure door
The solution for finishing the Cursed Tomb Treasure door in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb Treasure is one of the trickiest missions in Hogwarts Legacy.
The Cursed Tomb Treasure quest is one of the more in-depth late-game treasure hunts in the game.
But how do you complete the Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb Treasure? Read on below for our full guide to this Hogwarts Legacy quest.
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Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb Treasure: Starting the quest

In order to start the Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb Treasure quest, you’re going to have to be at least level 24 and have completed the prerequisite quest which sees you acquire The Helm of Urtkot.
It’s also worth noting that you’ll need to be able to unlock level 3 doors using Alohomora Level 3, so be sure to check out our guide on Alohomora and the Hogwarts Statue Location.
Once you’ve done that, a quest in the South of the map named Cursed Tomb Treasure will appear, head there and fight your way through the enemies until you pick up the map.
The Cursed Tomb Treasure map will point you to a cave just as you enter the southern portion of the map, it’s impossible to miss but just in case you have, we’ve pointed it out above. Now, head inside.
Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb treasure: Open the butterfly door

Inside you’ll fight some fairly standard spiders, then come to a butterfly door that you need to open.
The first butterfly is to the left, in a crypt that requires you to use Levioso on a box in order to get up a ledge.
The other two are in the room to the right of the door, behind a spiderweb. Use Lumos to lure them to the door and open it.
Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb treasure: Solve the floor puzzle

Inside the tomb, you’ll fight from Inferi, then be faced with a puzzle on the ground. In order to solve it, you have to use Flippendo on the top middle tile, and the bottom corner tiles, as shown above.
This will release the chest underneath it, and complete the Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb Treasure quest.
Those instructions in full:
- Reach level 24, unlock the bottom half of the map, and acquire The Helm of Urtkot.
- Learn Alohomora level 3 from Gladwin Moon
- Start the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest.
- Head to the tomb pictured above.
- Solve the butterfly door.
- Use Flippendo on the top middle and bottom corner tiles.