How to visit Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy

Can you visit Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy? Well, some students can…

How to visit Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy

In Hogwarts Legacy, to get to Azkaban you’ll need to finish a side quest that’s only open to Hufflepuffs – and not Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.

Azkaban, which is the wizarding prison in which prominent Harry Potter characters like Sirius Black and Bellatrix Lestrange did time, is one of many iconic locations from around the wizarding world you’ll get to visit in Hogwarts Legacy.

However, not every player will get to visit the infamous prison.

In fact, in Hogwarts Legacy, visiting Azkaban is locked behind a side quest that’s only open to one of the four houses.

But how do you visit Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy? Do you fight Dementors? Read on to find out.


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How to visit Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy

In order to visit Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll need to:

  • Select Hufflepuff as your Hogwarts house
  • Play through the early missions of the game until you save the old woman on the lakeside
  • Speak to the portrait in the Hufflepuff common room
  • Run to upper Hogsmeade and speak with Helen Thistlewood
  • You’ll then apparate to Azkaban

Is Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy?

How to visit Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy

Yes, you can visit Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy.

While it does not appear on the map, visiting Azkaban is part of an early sidequest that one of the four houses can access.

While you can’t return to the prison after you’ve finished the mission, and the area you teleport to is small, it’s the only chance you’ll get to see Dementors or the Expecto Patronumn spell.

How to get to Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy

How to visit Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy

You’ll be offered the mission around level 6, after defending the old woman on the lakeside. Once you’ve finished this quest, you’ll receive an owl telling you that a portrait in the Hufflepuff common wants to speak with you.

How to visit Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy

This portrait is of none other than Eldritch Diggory, great-great-grandfather of Cedric and former Minister for Magic. You’ll be told about an unsolves murder, and directed to run to the north of the map in order to continue it.

Once there, you’ll meet Helen Thistlewood, who will take you to Azkaban, where you can begin the brief quest.

Hogwarts Legacy Azkaban: Other exclusive quests

In Hogwarts Legacy, typically there is very little difference between each of the four Hogwarts houses in terms of content in the game. While your common rooms are different, there is little to do in each of them except for briefly interacting with students.

Prior to release, many players wondered if there would be exclusive quests tied to the houses, and while there technically is one exclusive quest to each house, the result is the same.

As detailed above, Hufflepuff players get access to a special quest that takes them to Azkaban. Slytherin players will get to under a cavern under Hogwarts which plays home to the Giant Squidd of The Black Lake, although sadly we don’t get to see much of it.

Ravenclaw on the other hand get an exclusive quest from Ollivander, and Gryffindor’s join the Headless Hunt.

Although, regardless of what house you pick, you can visit most of the locations mentioned above, aside from Azkaban.

The Owlery can be visited as soon as you have access to the outside of Hogwarts. It’s worth visiting as it contains several Revelio pages, as well as some other Easter Eggs.

The cave under Hogwarts can also be visited, but unfortunately, if you’re not a Slytherin you’ll be unable to complete the offering which makes the short cutscene occur.

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