GoldenEye 007 cheat codes: How to unlock all guns, paintball mode and more
Now that the N64 classic is out on Xbox and Nintendo Switch, here’s how to unlock its cheats

GoldenEye 007 cheat codes will help you unlock DK Mode, All Guns, Infinite Ammo and more in the N64 classic, which has now been released for Xbox consoles and Nintendo Switch.
In order to unlock cheats in GoldenEye, players need to complete specific levels on specific difficulty settings within an allotted amount of time.
However, if you find this too tricky, Switch players can also enter GoldenEye cheat codes at the game’s cheat selection screen and unlock them that way. However, please note the cheat codes won’t work in the Xbox version of the game.
After months of speculation, Microsoft officially confirmed the modern ports of GoldenEye 007 for Xbox Game Pass, in addition to a Nintendo Switch, during a Nintendo Direct broadcast in September 2021.
The Xbox version includes Achievements, 4K resolution and a smoother framerate in addition to split-screen local multiplayer. Meanwhile, the Nintendo Switch version includes online play.
GoldenEye cheat codes
2x Hunting Knives
Finish Jungle on Agent in less than 3:45, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
R + C-Left, L + Left, Up, L + R + Right, Right, L + R + C-Left, L + R + C-Left, R + Down, R + Left, R + C-Left
2x Lasers
Finish Aztec on Secret Agent in less than 9:00, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
L + Right, L + R + C-Left, L + Down, R + Left, R + Down, L + Right, C-Up, Right, R + Right, L + R + Up
2X RCP-90s
Finish Caverns on 00 Agent in less than 9:30, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
Up, Right, L + Left, R + Down, L + Up, L + C-Left, L + Left, C-Right, C-Up, L + R + Down
2x Rocket Launcher
Finish Bunker on 00 Agent in less than 4:00, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
R + Right, L + Up, Down, Down, R + C-Down, L + Left, L + C-Left, R + Up, R + Down, R+C-Left
2x Throwing Knives
Finish Bunker 2 on Agent in less than 1:30, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
R + C-Left, L + Left, Up, L + R + Right, Right, L + R + C-Left, L + R + C-Left, R + Down, R + Left, R + C-Left
All Guns
Finish Egypt on 00 Agent in less than 6:00, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
Down, Left, C-Up, Right, L + Down, L + Left, L + Up, C-Left, Left, C-Down
DK Mode
Finish Runway on Agent in less than 5:00, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
L + R + Up, C-Right, R + Left, R + Up, Up, R + Right, Up, L + R + C-Down, L + R + Down, L + R + C-Left
Enemy Rockets
Finish Streets on Agent in less than 1:45, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
L + R + C-Down, C-Left, R + C-Down, C-Down, C-Down, L + R + C-Down, L + R + Up, C-Down, R + Up, L + Up
Fast Animation:
Finish Statue on Secret Agent in less than 3:15, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
L + C-Down, L + C-Left, C-Down, C-Right, C-Left, L + R +Right, C-Right, L + R + Up, R + C-Left, L + Left
Gold PP7
Finish Cradle on Agent in less than 2:15, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
L + R + Right, L + R + Down, L + Up, L + R + Down, C-Up, R + Up, L + R + Right, L + Left, Down, L + C-Down
Golden Gun
Finish Egypt on any difficulty.
2x Grenade Launcher
Finish Surface on Secret Agent in less than 3:30, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
R + Down, R + Up, Right, L + R + C-Down, L + Right, R + Left, Left, Down, Up, R + C-Down
Infinite Ammo
Finish Control on Secret Agent in less than 10:00, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
L + C-Left, L + R + Right, C-Right, C-Left, R + Left, L + C-Down, L + R +Left, L + R + C-Down, L + Up, C-Right
Finish Facility on 00 Agent in less than 2:05, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
R + Left, L + Down, Left, Up, Down, R + C-Left, L + C-Left, L + R + Left, L + R + Right, L + C-Left
Finish Archives on 00 Agent in less than 1:20, enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
L + R + C-Left, L + R + C-Down, L + C-Left, R + C-Left, R + Right, L + R + Left, L + Right, Left, L + R + C-Left, L + Down
Finish Aztec on any difficulty.
Finish Cradle on any difficulty.
No Radar
Finish Frigate on Secret Agent in less than 4:30, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
R + Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, L + Down, R + Up, C-Left, Right, R + Left, R + Right
Paintball Mode
Finish Dam on Secret Agent in less than 2:40, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
L + Up, C-Up, R + Right, L + R + C-Left, L + Up, R + C-Down, L + C-Down, L + R + C-Down, L + R + Up, L + C-Down
Silver PP7
Finish Train on 00 Agent in less than 5:25, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
L + Left, L + R + Up, L + Right, L + R + Up, L + R + C-Left, L + R + Left, L + R + Down, C-Down, L + R + Right, L + R + Left
Slow Animation
Finish Depot on Secret Agent in less than 1:40, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
L + R + Left, L + R + Left, L + R + Down, L + R + Left, C-Right, L + R + Down, L + R + Down, L + Down, C-Left, C-Up
Tiny Bond
Finish Surface 2 on 00 Agent in less than 4:15, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
L + R + Down, R + Down, L + C-Down, Left, R + C-Left, L + R + C-Down, Right, Down, R + C-Down, R + Right
Turbo Mode
Finish Silo on Agent in less than 3:00, or enter the following code on the cheat selection screen:
L + Down, L + C-Down, L + R + Up, R + C-Down, Left, R + Down, L + C-Down, Up, R + Down, L + Right