Garchomp location: Where to catch Garchomp Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Where to catch Garchomp in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have finally been released worldwide, bringing with them a huge amount of new Pokemon, and some familiar faces, along with them.
With a world as large as the Paldea region, it might be difficult to find some of your old favorites, but don’t worry, that’s where we come in.
We have guides telling you where to find some of the most popular, and rarest Pokemon around, such as Bagon, Pikachu, Eevee, Garchomp, Axew and Lucario.
Read on to find out Garchomp location in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Guides:
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet walkthrough, tips, and Pokemon locations | Roaring Moon location | Iron Valiant location | Shiny sandwich recipes | Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Legendaries | Pokemon type chart
Garchomp location: Where to catch Garchomp Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Garchomp can be found in the following locations:
- Great Crater
- Tera Raids
- Mass outbreaks
Garchomp can actually be found flying around the edges of the Great Crater. In order to get to it, you’ll need to be able to climb with your legendary Pokemon.
Garchomp can also be found surrounded by Gabite in some cave locations, however, we don’t have firm data on the exact locations or how often. We will update this guide when we do.
Garchomp is found between levels 48 and 61 and appears in both games.
Garchomp location: Garchomp evolution line Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Garchomp is the fully evolved form of Gible and Gabite.