Frigibax location Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Where to catch Frigibax
Frigibax location, and how to evolve Frigibax in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Frigibax is the new psuedo legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Frigibax location in the game is actually easier to find than you might think, and you’ll be able to get to Frigibax location sooner than you would get a pseudo legendary in most Pokemon in the series thanks to being open world.
Frigibax is a dragon and ice-type Pokemon with two evolutions. It evolves into Arctibax and Baxcalibur.
Read on to find out where to catch Frigibax in our Frigibax location Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guide.
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Frigibax location Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Where to catch Frigibax

Frigibax can be found in the following locations:
- Glaseasdo Mountain
- Mass outbreaks
- Tera raid
- North Province (snowy area)
Frigibax can be found between levels 25 and 35. There are rare cases when Frigibax can be found with its evolved form, Arcticbax.
Frigibax location: Frigibax evolution line Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Frigibax evolves twice in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
It first evolves into Articbax at level 35 and it then evolves again into Baxcalibur at level 54.