Flying pages Hogwarts Legacy: How to collect flying pages
How to collect the hard-to-reach collectibles in Hogwarts Legacy

Flying pages in Hogwarts Legacy are scattered throughout the world.
The hard-to-reach collectibles are essential for completing your field guide, even though they’re far more annoying to collect than the regular pages on the ground.
But how do you collect the flying pages in Hogwarts Legacy? Thankfully you can do it very early into the game, and we’re here to explain how.
We updated the Hogwarts Legacy flying pages guide with some additional info on completing the Field Guide.
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Flying pages Hogwarts Legacy: What are flying pages?

Flying pages in Hogwarts Legacy are pages used to complete your Field Guide. You’re given your Field Guide at the start of the game and are encouraged to look around every inch of the world to collect as many pages as possible.
While plenty of these pages are simply on the ground, typically in front of notable locations around the world, you’ll notice that some of them are flying through the air. While it may not be immediately obvious how to collect them, they’re vital for filling up your Field Guide.
Flying pages Hogwarts Legacy: How to collect flying pages

To collect a flying page, you need the spell Accio. Thankfully you learn Accio during your first charms class, meaning you should be able to collect the pages within your first day at Hogwarts.
It’s worth noting that the pages fly in a pattern, meaning sometimes they’ll be out of reach for an Accio spell. Simply wait for them to fly closer.
You can also lock-on to the flying pages using the right analog stick, which will track the page as it flies, making it easier to collect.
Flying pages Hogwarts Legacy: Are they missable?
No, thankfully none of the flying pages in Hogwarts Legacy are missable.
No matter what stage you get to in the game, you can always go back and collect the pages, as there are no pages in areas of the game that are blocked off to you when the game finishes. Some of them in fact only unlock when you’ve completed the game.
Flying pages Hogwarts Legacy: All Field Guide pages
We’re currently in the process of documenting every single collectible in Hogwarts Legacy, which includes all of the Field Guide pages. This work-in-progress guide will show you where all of the various flying, stationary, and mirror field guide pages are.
We also have a complete list of all the Hogwarts Legacy statues. Demiguise Statues are hidden all over Hogwarts Legacy’s map, with their moons found in Hogwarts, the Highlands and Hogsmeade.