Fisch Megalodon event – Best rods, bait, and enchants to reel it in
Hey there, sharky boy

Anyone can trigger the Megalodon event in Fisch. And if you have a mid-range rod and a fast boat, you’re all set to take part in your server’s hunt.
Realistically, reeling in the elusive, thought-to-be extinct beast in Fisch is a challenge. The stars need to align. But you can bolster your chances by following a few rules on the best rods, bait, and enchants.
How to start the Megalodon Hunt event in Fisch

Like the Eclipse event, the Fisch Megalodon hunt event has a chance to trigger as a new dawn breaks. It can spawn in any weather or season.
You can speed up a Megalodon spawn by using Sundial Totems. It can be costly, but worth it if you’re sure you can reel it in.
The rapid changing of the time of day typically suggests that someone is trying to spawn the Megalodon on your server. If you want to fish one up on a budget, look out for the signs and join the hunt when it spawns.
Once a Megalodon spawns, the server notice will let everyone know. From that point, you’ll have about 15 minutes to try to reel it in before someone else does.
Where does the Megalodon spawn?

The Megalodon spawns in the waters around the Ancient Isle—typically toward the back.
Unlike the Great Hammerhead Shark or Whale Shark, it swims around a wider area than its relatively small catch spot.
That means you’ll want to use the Fisch Radar to spot the exact spot to fish in. Without it, just aim for beneath the storm cloud it creates.
What’s the best rod for the Megalodon?
Because of its incredibly high minimum weight of 50000kg, the Megalodon can only be caught with Fisch rods capable of handling very heavy fish.
The mid-range Steady Rod is the easiest option for newcomers to contend with those using the Rod of the Eternal King or Forgotten Fang.
Other viable rods include the Reinforced Rod, Kings Rod, Lost Rod, and No-Life Rod.
What’s the best bait for Megalodon?
The Megalodon and its variants are the only creatures that prefer the Shark Head bait, making it the best bait for the Megalodon hunt by far.
You can obtain Shark Heads from Angler quests or Quality Crates.
With Shark Head bait, you’ll boost your Megalodon catch Luck by 225 while adding a little extra resilience to combat its strong pull. You’ll just have to fight it a sliver longer due to the -5 Lure Speed stat.
Megalodons caught can be of three different types: a regular Megalodon, Ancient Megalodon, and Phantom Megalodon. The odds of these are not affected by a rod’s passive effects and are down to pure dumb luck.
What’s the best enchant for the Megalodon?

The best rod enchant for the Megalodon depends on your rod. For mid-game rods like Steady Rod, Swift or Hasty are the best bet. The speed increase will mean more chances to snag the elusive beast.
If you don’t have much Shark Head on hand, Scrapper’s 60% chance to not consume bait could make the difference.
But if we’re talking top-tier enchants to try for, Abyssal generally makes the most sense. Just below that would be Steady, Resilient, or Controlled.
If you’re under level 30 and can’t reliably farm Enchant Relics, even one like the Storming, which increases Luck by 95% in rain, can be worth it on inexpensive rods like the Steady Rod.
For that, just save a weather-altering items like a Tempest Totem that matches your rod’s enchant for the Megalodon spawn and you could have the advantage.
Is the Megalodon worth it?

With even the smallest possible Megalodon being worth 7500C$, reeling one in is certainly worth a try.
It’s one of the best fish to reroll at the Appraiser. Even a simple Mutation can make a huge difference to the selling price.
If you happen to reel in an Ancient or Phantom Megalodon, the sale price increases by around 1.7x and 2x respectively.
Given the cost in forcing a Megalodon spawn with Sundial Totems, it could also be necessary to recoup the investment. It’s largely only recommended to risk forcing the Megalodon event for bestiary completion.
Better yet, do it on a private server where you don’t risk another player swiping the catch you paid to spawn.
When reeling in the Megalodon after the mini-game, the player involved will see a cutscene. Other players will see the shark leave the area before it returns to breach the water, towering over the player who caught it.
At that point, the Megalodon catch point disappears and the event ends.
Not quite ready for the Megalodon hunt? Check out the latest Fisch codes for some freebies, or check out how to craft Fisch rods that might just give you the advantage you need.