Fire Emblem Engage Somniel guide – All Somniel activities
All activities and shops in The Somniel

Fire Emblem Engage is here bringing with it the deep strategy RPG mechanics and a massive cast of characters that fans of the series will love.
One of the most important areas in Fire Emblem Engage is The Somniel, the game’s main hub area that you’ll spend time in between missions.
But what is The Somniel for and what can you actually do while you’re there? We’re building a comprehensive guide to all of the activities in The Somniel that you can check out below.
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Fire Emblem Engage Somniel guide – What is The Somniel?

The Somniel is the hub area in Fire Emblem Engage. Between missions, you’ll get the option to travel to The Somniel in order to restock items, buy new weapons and engage in conversations with your party.
Fire Emblem Engage Somniel guide – All activities

My Room
- Bed: Here, you can advance time, as well as other quality-of-life features like rewatching cutscenes.
Cafe Terrace
- Order Meal: Here, you can dine with your companions
- Battle Boar?
- Music Box: Here, you can listen to music tracks from the game, as well as music from older Fire Emblem titles that you’ve unlocked.
Ring Chamber
- Ring Chamber: Here, you can polish Emblem Rings and forge new items.
- Arena: Here, you can battle against Emblems and greatly improve your bond with them, for a price.
- Item Shop: Here, you can purchase consumable items.
- Armory: Here, you can buy weapons and some items.
- Smithy: Here, you can upgrade or refine your weapons.
- Boutique: Here, you can change your outfit.
- Pool: There’s no activity here, but characters can occasionally be found here for conversations.
- Amiibo Gazebo: Here, you can scan Amiibo and unlock exclusive costumes and other items. Here is our full guide to the Fire Emblem Engage Amiibo Gazebo.
- Fishing: Here, you can take part in the fishing minigame, which will allow you to unlock rare ingredients, and further some bonding missions with some companions.
Training Yard
- Training: Here, you can train with characters and greatly improve your bond with Emblems. Check out our full guide to The Somniel training yard.
- Stable: Here, you can house the animals you collect throughout Eylos. Check out our guide to all stable animals in Fire Emblem Engage.
- Records Hall
- Spirit of Sominel: Here, you can pet, feed, and interact with the Sprit of Somniel.
Lookout Ridge
- There are no activities here.
Tower of Trials
- Replay Trials