Find a place with plenty of tomes in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Stuck on The Caged Magistrate

Find a place with plenty of tomes in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Have you been asked to find a place with plenty of tomes in Dragon’s Dogma 2? Well, we’re going to explain exactly where that is.

As is the case with many quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2, this quest The Caged Magistrate has a bit of an obscure objective, and the game doesn’t give you a lot of help in regards to what to do. After speaking to Captain Brant, you’ll head off on the quest.

Find a place with plenty of tomes: The Caged Magistrate

Find a place with plenty of tomes in Dragon’s Dogma 2

The Caged Magistrate will task you with finding and freeing Waldhar from the Vernworth Castle Goal. Captain Brant will give you a key in order to access his cell.

Be careful, if you open the cell with guards watching you, they can become aggressive and target you. If you want to free him, he’ll ask you to find a place with plenty of tomes. 

In classic Dragon’s Dogma 2 fashion, the game will then expect you to work this out for yourself.

If you then return to Captain Brant with the information, he’ll recommend that you speak to Kendrick. Kendrick resides at The Gracious Hand, which is found in the slums just outside the city. He’ll be wandering around the slums during the day.

Once you’ve spoken to him, he’ll tell you about a boy named Malcolm who’s gone missing. This will start an offshoot quest, Heel of History. If you speak to Kendrick and the quest doesn’t trigger, speak to him again and offer a donation.

You’ll then have to speak to some of the NPC children in the area, who will point you in the direction of Malcolm. Report back to Kendrick, and he’ll lead you into the catacombs below the slums. Here, you’ll find Malcolm, and, crucially, you’ll find a place with plenty of tomes. 

After this, head back to Waldhar and free him from the cell. You’ll then lead him out of the area before the quest completes. Head back to Brant and continue the next step on your quest to be recognized as the true Arisen.

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