Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Active vs Classic Combat differences

Struggling to decide between Active and Classic combat in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Active vs Classic Combat differences

What is the difference between Active vs Classic combat style in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

If you’ve just started up Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and you’re unsure which combat style to pick, this guide should illuminate you by describing exactly what the differences are and what you should expect from the game.

If you pick one of the options and you’re not happy with it, you’ll be able to change your choice during the game so don’t get too caught up on what decision you make as you’ll be able to change it whenever you want.

Without further adieu, let’s get into the differences between Active and Classic combat in Final Fantasy  7 Rebirth

Active vs Classic Combat Style Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Active vs Classic Combat differences

Active Combat in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, as the name would suggest, means you have full active control over your party, controlling one member at a time. This is primarily Cloud, but you can also choose to play as either of the other members of your party.

If you’re using Active Combat, you’ll be in charge of attacking, casting spells, blocking, and healing. You can also send commands to your other teammates without switching from Cloud by holding the shoulder buttons

Classic Combat in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth sees the player step back from the action and call the shots like a quarterback. During fights, your whole party will attack automatically, allowing you to sit back and send out commands. If you don’t send out commands, the team will fight automatically.

While it is possible to win fights this way, the AI rarely takes advantage of enemy weaknesses, and won’t use too many of your abilities. This makes fights last far longer than they should, especially if you’re already aware of your enemy’s weakness.

Using Classic Combat also largely stops your team from using high-tier magic, even if they have the appropriate Materia equipped, which can be hugely frustrating.

How to change between Active and Classic combat style in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

To change between Active and Classic combat styles in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, you simply have to go to the options menu and switch between the two.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (PS5)
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