FIFA 23 McGeady Spin: How to do the McGeady Spin

Learn how to do the McGeady Spin in FIFA 23

FIFA 23 McGeady Spin: How to do the McGeady Spin

The FIFA 23 McGeady Spin is one of the first skill moves you’re likely to learn in the game.

Due to its inclusion in the Rise of Mbappe moments mode, you’ll need to know how to do it in order to pass the challenge and earn the stars.

Named after Celtic legend Aiden McGeady, the McGeady Spin sees the player rapidly change direction.

Read on below to find out how to do the McGeady Spin in  FIFA 23.

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FIFA 23 McGeady Spin: How to do the McGeady Spin

In order to pull off the McGeady Spin, flick the stick in the direction the player is running, and then flick it 90 degrees left or right, depending on which direction you’d like to go.

If performed correctly, you’ll pull the ball back towards the player, then spin off to the side, leaving your opponent in the dust.

Your player must have 4-Star skill moves in order to pull off the move.

That’s it! That’s all you need to do to pull  off the McGeady Spin in FIFA 23.

FIFA 23 McGeady Spin: How to do the McGeady Spin
FIFA 23 - Standard Edition (Xbox One)
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