How to unlock Viper in FFXIV Dawntrail
The swords. They’re like two snake fangs.

Latest update
With Dawntrail now live in early access, we’ve updated this guide with a handy map.
If you’re looking to channel your inner anime hero in Final Fantasy XIV‘s Dawntrail expansion, you’ll want to know how to unlock the Viper class in FFXIV after the big 7.0 update.
Starting at level 80, which is where the prior expansion kicked off, you won’t have to worry about starting with too few Viper skills to make things interesting: unless you decide to run through the accelerated levelling experience that is Palace of the Dead. To do that, though, you need to first know where to get the Viper class added to your armoury.
Where to unlock Viper in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail

The FFXIV Viper unlock location can be found in Ul’dah at coordinates X: 9.3x Y: 9.2. Look for the “Worrying Weaver” NPC.
Struggling to spot it? It’s right by the Pugilist’s Guild on the map. Yes, you get a dual-wield class from right outside where they teach you how to fight with your fists.
For extra context, it’s on the row between the Immortal Flames Grand Company hall on the Emerald Avenue. You should see it as you exit the Aetheryte plaza.
Complete his quest and you’ll eventually unlock the Viper class. You’ll get the job stone and some starting gear. Empty your armoury.
What is the Viper rotation?
We’ll have a lengthy primer on how to pull off a perfect flurry of dual blade cuts and spin your swords into one terrifically long weapon Ravana-style as soon as we’ve had considerable max-level experience with it.
FFXIV Viper weapons
Vipers use two swords as their primary source of damage, slicing and dicing with swift agility in ways only a Ninja can rival. Unlike a Ninja, however, there’s little in the way of the strategic deployment of big frogs.
In turn, Vipers work their way up through rapid slashes, eventually joining their two blades together to unlock even more potent ways to dance around their foes for a time.
With that in mind, Viper weapons glamours are to be two-fold. When styling your dream look, you’ll want to consider how the blades look fused as well as split apart.
We’ll highlight some of the best blades and how to get them here over time.
How to level Viper from 80 to 90 fast
The quickest way to level Viper up to the Dawntrail story content threshold is expected to be level-appropriate dungeons.
Run activities like daily roulettes, hunts, combat-focused allied race quests and, of course, FATEs while you wait for the sure-to-be-lengthy DPS queue pops.
If the queues are truly horrendous, consider running said dungeons with Trust NPCs instead. They’ll take longer to clean, but subtract the queue time and it might actually make more sense long-term.
Likewise, if the queues aren’t so bad, Wonderous Tails (available in Idyllshire) can be another great source of experience. You just won’t be able to do many of these alone.
Another alternative is the Bojzan Southern Front. Unless you run the group content therein, it’s little more than a glorified FATE farming mini-game. Eureka Orthos is not a good source of EXP right now.
Whichever route you take, just make sure you’re wearing the Dawntrail pre-order earrings if you have them. They’ll give a massive XP boost between this level range.
And remember to eat food and have a Free Company EXP buff active. If you’re taking it slow, don’t forget the challenge log. Running 5 dungeons (with roulettes), giving out commendations, and completing 10 FATEs each week will give you a nice boost as well.
Once you’re done with Viper, consider working your way through the expansion’s other new class, too. Here’s how to unlock the Pictomancer class to help you get started. We’ve also outlined how to get a free Fantasia and how to hide players around quest NPCs in case you’re struggling to target them.