Can you swim in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

Is the Brine Vermund’s #1 killer?

Can you swim in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

If you’ve decided that you just have to cross that deep body of water in around Vermund, you may be wondering if you ever learn how to swim in Dragon’s Dogma 2. With sprawling coastlines, powerful rivers, and trickling streams, figuring out how best to traverse them to reach the goodies often on the other side can be confusing.

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Can you swim in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

Overlooking shallow water you can cross without swimming in Dragon's Dogma 2.

No, you cannot swim in Dragon’s Dogma 2. And you won’t ever learn how to. Swimming was absent in the first game, and it hasn’t materialized in its sequel.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 leans on the same lore as the previous entry to explain the dangers of entering the drink. In that regard, not a lot has changed with this new adventure, but the revelation can offer a hint as to how to navigate the issue that sprung the question in the first place.

Any body of water too deep to walk through is infested by the Brine. This pulls creatures under, either killing them instantly in the case of NPCs and enemies, or eventually spitting the player or their pawns out on dry land a short while after.

As disappointing as it may be to hear that you’ll never swim in Dragon’s Dogma 2, the knowledge is a blessing in disguise. It means that any cave, treasure, or target that looks like it requires getting soaked can likely be accessed much sooner than you might expect.

If you’ve spotted a treasure beyond the waters, look for a cave entrance that might take you behind a waterfall, a destructible part of the environment, coastal walkway to hug, or climb around and look for a way to jump down.

If the eventual fall looks too far to survive, it’s best to look at your class abilities. Various vocations have unlockable skills that can help you avoid excessive fall damage. Spells like Levitate could help you cross chasms, and sometimes it’s simply the case of tossing a Pawn over the and dealing with the consequences later.

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