How to change hairstyles in Dragon’s Dogma 2

With the right hairstyle, no Saurian will risk your wrath by messing it up in a good tussle

How to change hairstyles in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Wondering how to change your hairstyle in Dragon’s Dogma 2? Then it’s time to seek out a barber. Like any good cut, it can cost a pretty penny, but you can get a wider appearance change at a slight discount while you’re at it. And no, you won’t need to play into the DD2 microstransaction issue to do it.

The first chance you’ll get to do this is after reaching the first major city. On the road, you’ll want to know how to make Fruit Roborant, then how to get flowers when you reach the capital. Later on, a few tips on how to find the Nameless Village won’t hurt.

How to change hairstyles in Dragon’s Dogma 2

A map location of where to go to change hairstyles in Dragon's Dogma 2.

You can change your Dragon’s Dogma 2 hairstyle at a moment’s notice so long as you can quickly reach a city like Vernworth. It’s the first chance you’ll get to tweak your look after the character creation screen at the very start of the game.

In any major city, just open up the map and, rather than look for the Diviner’s Salon, which is confusingly something else entirely, look for the scissors icon — the symbol of the Barberie.  This is where you can change your looks.

In Vernworth, Clovis’s Barberie is found in the northwest corner of the map. Head that way from the Merchant’s Quarter and you should spot a house on the left corner as you climb the hill.

Visiting a Barberie gives you the following options and base prices:

  • Change Hairstyle (10,000 gold)
  • Adjust Makeup (10,000 gold)
  • Give Markings (10,000 gold)
  • Change Multiple (25,000 gold)

Each minor adjustment costs 10,000 gold a piece, making the Change Multiple option only worth springing for if you want to play around with all three settings at once. Doing so effectively gets you a third adjustment for half the price, which can be a welcome offer in this economy.

How to change your Pawn’s hairstyle in Dragon’s Dogma 2

The same method for changing your character’s hairstyle in Dragon’s Dogma 2 can be applied to your Main Pawn’s hairstyle, too.

Just head to a Barberie in any major city, town, or village (look for the Scissors icon) and head instead. Speak to the barber, select the change you want to make, and you’ll then be asked whether you want to apply any changes to yourself or your Main Pawn.

The price remains the same whether it’s you or your pawn on the receiving end of the pampering, so expect to shell out between 10,000–25,000 Gold depending on the number of changes you decide to make, or the whole 30,000 gold if you decide to go for all three after the first.

Does it cost real money to change character appearance in DD2?

The Art of Metamorphasis in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Despite how it looks on the various online store pages like Steam, you don’t need to buy DD2 DLC like the Art of Metamorphosis to change your character’s appearance.

The same item can be bought in-game with RC collected via the Pawn system and is simply used in place of gold for the full service at the Barberie.

If you have the gold or RC on hand, which is easy enough to get, you won’t ever need to buy any of the DLC packs available. They’re just time-saving measures you can ignore without issue.

The first post-launch DD2 update will also up the stock of Art of Metamorphosis available at the Pawn guilds too 99, virtually making it easy to obtain across your whole save. Paying real money is simply a quicker means to get them if you’re short on gold or RC.

How to unlock the Modify Appearance option at the Barberie in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The greyed-out Modify Appearance option in Dragon's Dogma 2.

To unlock the Modify Appearance option at a Barberie in Dragon’s Dogma 2,  you need to have a copy of the Art of Metamorphosis on hand.

You can get these for 500 RC at the vendor in any Pawn Guild. Exchange the item at the Barberie using the now-illuminated Modify Appearance option and you’ll essentially unlock the Change Multiple option for free.

If you expect to make a lot of changes throughout your playthrough, consider using the Dragon’s Dogma 2 gift system as early as you can. Make a good impression on your favourite barber and you’ll be able to bring the cost of a change down a decent amount, which can add up over time.

If you’re going off the beaten track with your new do, you can use our Dragon’s Dogma 2 map to avoid wandering into too much trouble. And if you have a few quests to wrap up, or questions that need answering, our Dragon’s Dogma 2 guides hub could help.

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