How to get a Bunch of Flowers in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Picked, made, or stolen, a bunch of flowers can serve many uses

How to get a Bunch of Flowers in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Not sure how to get a Bunch of Flowers in Dragon’s Dogma 2? Whatever the occasion, you can rest easy knowing that they’re not hard to make at all. And when you need them in the moment, you can easily take them from someone else. It’s cruel, but it works: and nobody will bat an eye.

Flowers are used for more than just a single quest: they’re valuable items for the game’s gift-giving affinity system. If you’re still around Vernworth, you might want to learn how to get your own home. And if you’re looking for proper raiment for the Masquerade, we’ve detailed how to get fancy clothes fitting for the ball.

How to get a Bunch of Flowers in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Giving a Bunch of Flowers in as part of a Dragon's Dogma 2 quest.

Whether it’s for Daphne’s The Gift of Giving sidequest in the Vernworth Slums or another reason entirely, there’s a good chance you already have some on hand. If not, a quick trip into town is all it will take.

To get a Bunch of Flowers in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you need to combine colourful flowers or find pre-crafted bunches in chests or room.

How to craft a Bunch of Flowers

Sunbloom, Moonglow, and Noonbloom are used together to craft a Bunch of Flowers in Dragon’s Dogma 2. These flowers are typically found all over Vermund, with Moonglow found in the around the checkpoint rest town to the west of the Vernworth as you approach the gate’s to Battahl. This region also has them in abundance. They glow in the night. You can’t miss them.

There’s a chance others could work in the craft, too. Dragon’s Dogma 2 is filled to the brim with foliage to forage. But the best way to get a Bunch of Flowers when you need them would be to remember that the plants comprising them typically reference the time of day they’re at their most striking. Morning, noon, and night.

Where to find a Bunch of Flowers

If you haven’t already, you can find a Bunch of Flowers on the first floor of the inn at the centre of Vernworth’s Merchant Quarters. They should be on one of the beds. Other locations, like some areas of Vernworth Castle, can also hide flowers in chests or on beds and tables. They’re rare, but they’re sometimes simply found in the rooms of residential buildings.

What do to with a Bunch of Flowers in Dragon’s Dogma 2

If you’ve made or found a Bunch of Flowers in Dragon’s Dogma 2 without having a reason to own them, you might not know their purpose and toss them aside.

Rather than do that, give them as a gift to any NPC you might want to improve your affinity with. Merchants, in particular, might give you a discount once you hit a certain level in your relationship.

Othertimes, flowers might be a requirement for a quest. Daphne, a kid who wanders the Slums in Vernworth, will ask for some at the beginning of her quest chain. Giving them to Sven can bump up your affinity high enough for him to gift you the Fruit Wine you’ll need for the Warfarer Vocation unlock quest.

If you’re planning a marathon session, consider keeping our Dragon’s Dogma 2 guides hub on hand. It chronicles a lot of the obtuse systems and convoluted quests you might have questions about as you play. Our Dragon’s Dogma 2 map can help you stay on the safer path, too.

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