Dining Guide Fire Emblem Engage
How to dine with your party members in Fire Emblem Engage

Fire Emblem Engage is finally here, meaning players around the world can meet the new cast of characters and begin bonding.
In Fire Emblem Engage you can dine with members of your party when you return to The Somniel, the game’s home base which you can visit between missions.
But what does dining do in fire Emblem Engage and where can you dine with your party? We have all the answers in our guide below.
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Where to dine with your party

In Fire Emblem Engage, you can dine with your party members in the Cafe Terrace. This is at the top of The Somniel. You can dine with any member of your team, and you’ll be able to see your connection level with said party members before you select your dinner guests.
Simply head to the character behind the table at the back and select “order a meal.”
What does dining do?

The second purpose of dining in Fire Emblem Engage is that doing so boosts your bond with those party members by a small amount.