Demiguise Statues are hidden all over Hogwarts Legacy’s map, with their moons found in Hogwarts, the Highlands and Hogsmeade.
There are thirty Demiguise Statues to collect and moons to find, but where are they? Luckily for you, we’ve tracked them all down in this handy guide.
These Demiguise Statues – which resemble a furry monkey holding a moon-shaped item – are the key to unlocking the higher levels of the Alohomora spell, which allows you to unlock doors.
There are 30 of these statues for you to find in Hogwarts Legacy.
They can be found all over Hogwarts Castle and in the grounds around the school.
You might be wondering what the Demiguise statues are that you find across Hogwarts when you first start Hogwarts Legacy.
As you begin your journey through Hogwarts Legacy you may find Demiguise statues hidden throughout Hogwarts. These statues can first be seen on the desk of the Defence Against The Darks arts classroom when you first visit it. However, it’s not until later in the game that it becomes obvious what they are for.
The Demiguise Statues are actually used for upgrading your lock-picking ability. In the world of Hogwarts Legacy, you open locked doors, several of which are scattered throughout the castle, using the Alohomora spell.
In order to unlock Alohomora, you’ll need to complete is available once you’ve reached the main story quest, “Prepare For Your Seach For The Final Keeper.”
During the quest, you’ll speak with Hogwarts caretaker Gladwin Moon, who’ll tell you he’s been tormented by statues all over Hogwarts, and that if you return them to him, he’ll reward you with the Alohomora spell.
You’ll be forced to collect three Demiguise Statues for Gladwin Moon by sneaking around the teacher’s wing. This mission can be completed by using the Disillusionment charm, which you’ll receive earlier in the game.
This will unlock the first tier of Alohomora, which will allow you to enter level one locked doors. In order to unlock level two locked doors, including some that have Demiguise Statues behind them, you’ll have to collect 9 Demiguise Statues and return them to Gladwin Moon.
What is a Demiguise?
A Demiguise is a fantastic beast that was introduced to the Wizarding World franchise as part of the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them spinoff series.
In the canon, a Demiguise is a “peaceful, herbivorous magical beast that could make itself invisible and tell the future.” In the Fantastic Beasts films, Magizoologist Newton Scamander owns a Demiguise named Dougal.
How to find Demiguise statues
If you’re using our Hogwarts Legacy statue guide, you’ll have no problem finding any of the Demiguise statues, however, the game does give you a hint as to where some of the statues are if you want to hunt for a few of them yourself.
Firstly, you can use Revelio in order to find them but be warned, the statues only glow on the Revelio map at night, as otherwise, they won’t show up, despite being in the location that you’re using Revelio in.
The next way to tell if you’re in the presence of a Demiguise statue that you’re unable to see is that the main character will shout out one of a few voice lines such as “Mine now, Demiguise,” if you’re in a house or a building that has a Demiguise in it.
If your character says this, start spamming Revelio in order to find it.
However, for some reason that’s utterly unfathomable unless it was exclusively designed to annoy people looking for them, they won’t glow during the day.
So despite the fact that your wizard has the power to sit on the floor for 24 hours straight and will the pitch black night into existence, the game just won’t tell you if it’s there.
Demiguise Statues: All Demiguise Statues Locations
There are 10 Demiguise Statues and moons to find in Hogwarts.
There is 1 Demiguise statue in The South Wing
There is 1 Demiguise statue in The Great Hall
There are 3 Demiguise statues in The Astronomy Wing
There are 2 Demiguise statues in The Bell Tower Wing
There are 3 Demiguise statues in The Library Annex
In addition:
There are 9 Demiguise Statues to find in Hogsmeade
There are 11 Demiguise Statues to find in The Highlands
You can check how many you are missing by pulling the map out as far as possible and checking the legend on the right side of the map.
Demiguise Statues Locations
There are 10 Demiguise Statues and moons to find in Hogwarts:
The South Wing Demiguise Statues Locations
Haunted toilets
In The Southern Wing, there is a set of toilets that are broken. Through the central door, you’ll find a secret room that also houses a Demiguise statue.
The Astronomy Wing Demiguise Statues Locations
Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom
Head to the Defence Against The Dark arts class. The Demiguise statue is on the desk.
Muggle Studies
In the basement under the Transfiguration courtyard, there’s a classroom that’s near a large statue of a sleeping dragon. The classroom is locked, but once inside you’ll find a Demiguise statue sitting on a desk.
Boggart room
At the bottom of The Astronomy Wing, there’s a symbol door. Through the door, there’s a Demiguise on the side table, near the Boggart cabinet.
The Great Hall Demiguise Statues
At the far end of The Great Hall, there’s a level one locked door. Behind it sits another Demiguise statue.
The Library Annex Demiguise Statues Locations
Divination classroom
One of the least well-hidden Demiguise statues is sitting on the desk of the teacher in the Divination classroom.
Library restricted section
Head down the stairs of the restricted section until you come to an area that’s segmented with bars. Once in that area, spam revelio until the blue outline of the Demiguise appears in one of the small clusters.
Portriats corridor potions store
This Demiguise statue is behind a door in the portrait corridor
The Bell Tower Demiguise Statues Locations
Beasts Classroom
The next Demiguise statue is in the Fantastic Beasts classroom, which is behind a level 2 lock.
Castle Ramparts
This Demiguise statue is in one of the castle ramparts close to the exit of the Hogwarts grounds.
Hogsmeade Demiguise Statues Locations
There are 9 Demiguise Statues to find in Hogsmeade.
You can check how many you are missing by pulling the map out as far as possible and checking the legend on the right side of the map.
Cassandra Mason’s
The next Demiguise state is in Cassandra Mason’s house, where you begin the haunted shop quest, in the North East of the town.
Tombs and Scrolls
The next Demiguise statue can be found in the back room of Tombs and Scrolls in Hogsmeade.
Waterwheel house
The next two Demiguise statues are very close to one another, the first is in the large house next to the waterwheel in the north of the town.
House next to the pond
The second is in the small house directly across the pond from the waterwheel.
Gladrags Wizardwear
The next Demiguise statue is sitting on the table in Gladrags Wizardwear.
Hog’s Head
This Hog’s Head Demiguise statue is in the Hog’s Head back room.
In the building to the right of J. Pippins Potions. You’ll need to unlock a level 2 door in order to get to it, so you’ll have to collect at least 9 moons and take them to Gladwin Moon.
The next Hogsmeade Demiguise statue is in a building down a lane across from the Quidditch shop. Down the lane you’ll see a food cart next to two front doors. The Demiguise is at the top of that building.
The final Hogsmeade Demiguise is in a house to the right of The Three Broomsticks pub. It’s behind a level 1 locked door.
Demiguise Statues Locations: The Highlands
There are 11 Demiguise Statues to find in The Highlands. This includes all of the areas outside of Hogsmeade and Hogwarts.
You can check how many you are missing by pulling the map out as far as possible and checking the legend on the right side of the map.
The Demiguise Statue in Cragcroft can be found upstairs in the buildings behind the vendor in the center of town.
The Demiguise Statue in Bainburgh can be found in the house behind the notice board, with cauldrons stacked up outside.
The Demiguise Statue in Marunween can be found in the building with the thatched triangular roof, which has a level 2 lock on it.
The Feldcroft Demiguise statue can be found in a house to the east of the village, which is covered in vines. It’s behind a level 2 lock, so you’ll have to have completed the first stage of Galdwin’s quest before you grab this Demiguise.
The Irondale Demiguise statue is behind the counter in a house near the center of town. If you make your waypoint Irondale itself, it’s in the house closest to it. There’s an NPC sitting outside the house that can give you a quest.
The Keendale Demiguise statue is in a house up the hill from the fast-travel location. It’s not locked behind a door, you can grab it straight away. There are several large pumpkins outside the house.
The Brocburrow Demiguise statue can be found in a small house to the left of the vendor in the middle of town. It’s on the bottom of a small green shelf.
Lower Hogsfield
The Lower Hogsfield Demiguise statue can be found in the Bickel house, just inside the front gate of the location. Once inside the house, the Demiguise is just to the left of the door.
Aranshire Demiguise
The Aranshire Demiguise statue can be found on the second floor of the building with the level 2 lock in the center of town. To find it, go to the vendor, then go right. It’s also just to the right of the Floo powder location.
The Pitt-Upon-Ford Demiguise statue is in a building next to a carriage and a large purple tree. From the Floo location, follow the road into the village. The last large house before the bridge houses the Demiguise statue on its top floor.
Upper Hogsfield
The Upper Hogsfield Demiguise statue is in a house with a large wheel outside it in the center of the town. It’s situated two houses to the left of the vendor in town.