Cinderace Tera Raid Guide: Counters, dates and more
These are the best Pokemon to counter the 7-star Cinderace Tera raid

Cinderace debuts in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet this weekend, giving players the first chance to catch the Pokemon Sword and Shield fire-type.
Cinderace will appear in 7-star Tera Raid Battles at black crystals from Saturday, December 31, at 4:00 p.m. PST and then leave raids on Sunday, January 1st, at 3:59 p.m. PST.
This is the first time that the “Unrivaled” Cinderace” will appear. The Pokemon promises to be among the strongest in any raid battle in Scarlet and Violet, with an expected level of 100, the same level as the Unrivaled Charizard which was available earlier this month.
As we know from previous 7-star Tera raids, the Cinderace Tera raid is like to be one of the toughest challenges in the game, so we’re here to help with a list of the best counters you should make sure you have available on your side for the Cinderace Tera Raid.
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Cinderace Tera Raid Guide: Best counter Pokemon

Water/ Fairy
- Belly Drum
- Play Rough
- Aqua Jet
- Liquidation
He’s back. After destroying Charizard, Azumarill is once again the Pokemon of choice in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Tera Raids. Azumaril is so effective thanks to its water-type moves against Cinderace, and the sheer amount of damage it can do if you chain Belly Drum with its huge power ability.

- Misty Terrain
- Tera Blast
- Draining Kiss
- Play Rough
Another returning raider from Charizard, Dachsbun is a great choice against Cinderace. Dachsbun’s ability, Well-Baked Body means that it doesn’t take any damage from fire-type moves, potentially completely negating a massive chunk of Cinderace’s offense.

Fire/ Flying
- Air Slash
- (Literally any others)
The last big raid boss, Charizard, is actually one of the best Cinderace counters in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, thanks to the move Air Slash. Charizard resists fire and fighting-type moves, and Air Slash is super effective against Cinderace, meaning it’ll be a tank on any team, especially if you have the perfect IV Charizard from the last raid. A Leppa Berry can add damage to the Air Slash, but honestly, you shouldn’t need it.