Bramblin Evolution: How to evolve Bramblin into Brambleghast
How to evolve the popular monster in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Bramblin evolves into Brambleghast using a brand new evolution method.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduce several new evolution methods that are brand new to the series.
We have full guides on how to evolve Pawmo, Gimmighoul, Charcadet and more.
So read on to find out How to evolve Bramblin into Brambleghast.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Guides:
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Bramblin Evolution: How to evolve Bramblin into Brambleghast

After you’ve caught a Bramblin, you’re going to want to make it the first Pokemon in your party, so that you can take it out of its Pokeball using the Let’s Go feature.
Once you’ve done this, you’re going to need to walk for 1000 steps with Bramblin in order to make it eligible to evolve.
The best way to do this is to release it inside of a town, so that it doesn’t try to battle anything. If you run, Bramblin will go back in its ball, so you’re going to have to walk slowly in order for it to be ready to evolve.
Once you think you’ve walked enough, level it up once and Bramblin will evolve into Brambleghast.