Blox Fruits Ghost Event Update: patch notes and code

Find out what’s new in Blox Fruits’ latest Ghost update

Blox Fruits Ghost Event Update: patch notes and code

Blox Fruits’ Ghost Update has gone live!

As the name suggests, the new update has a bit of a spooky theme, and adds a new fruit called Ghost.

The update also spawns cursed chests every 4-6 minutes, which may contains bones, fragments, 2x XP or spooky fruit.

The new update doesn’t come with a code yet, but when it does you’ll find it here:

The full update notes for Blox Fruits Ghost Update can be found below:

Blox Fruits Ghost Update patch notes


  • Added new fruit: Ghost (Revive rework)
  • Added Halloween event:
    • Cursed Chests will now spawn every 4-6 minutes
    • You may find bones, fragments, 2x exp, or even a spooky fruit!
    • Bones can be exchanged at the Death King NPC for bonus rewards, now found in all seas.
    • Re-enabled the old Halloween titles, as well as the ability to roll random fruits from Death King.
  • Added a new sea event: Haunted Shipwreck

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Leviathan’s final segment not dropping rewards.
  • Fixed some scroll modifiers going beyond their Max level. If one of your stats is currently beyond Max, the extra level will be rerolled into a new modifier.
  • Fixed Ghoul V4 not disabling health regen.
  • Fixed Shark/Ghoul V4 status effects not getting destroyed correctly.
  • Fixed Player Hunter not displaying locations correctly.
  • Fixed a potential delay bug on fruits with M1 abilities.
  • Fixed being able to add two of the same Game Pass in trades.
  • Fixed Raid Bosses giving 2x their levels reward with 2x EXP on.
  • Fixed being able to cast some Portal skills during an Order raid.
  • Fixed some outdated notifications.
  • Fixed description on Leviathan Shield.
  • Fixed Fruit Boxes showing up in the trade window.
  • Fixed the ability to get stuck purposely with certain weapons.
  • Fixed cannonballs not dealing damage to NPC boats or Sea Beasts.
  • Fixed flipped Spirit Fruit icon.
  • Fixed the codes window not working correctly on Xbox.
  • Fix attempted for enemies despawning randomly sometimes.
  • Fixed map teleporters working on boats.
  • Fixed weird physics when riding the flamingo with your Besto Friendo.
  • Fix attempted for exploiters killing you before you spawn.

Balance changes

  • Shark race:
    • Reduced speed debuffs and max shield on awakened passives.
      • The shield passive now only protects against 85% of the damage received, instead of 100%.
      • Reduced the duration and defense of V3.
  • Nerfed Rengoku’s damage.
  • Besto Friendo can now jump, dash, and swim.
  • Reduced the hitbox on Sanguine Art clicks.
  • Curse of the Reaper nerfed: 75% > 70%. Healing is now 1/3 on NPCs.
  • Storm blessing range increased by 80%.
  • The Unbreakable modifier now only works for the first 2 seconds a move is held.
  • Rebalanced the Sharpshooter and Unreal modifiers.
  • Nerfed the Piercing modifier by 1% and updated the description to explain its functionality better.
  • Slightly reduced the damage of all weapon upgrades by 1-3%.
  • Buffed Hallow Scythe speed and damage. X now breaks Instinct.
  • Fixed stun on Mammoth’s C and made it break Instinct.
  • Slightly increased cooldown on Portal’s V and X moves.
  • Slightly reduced end lag on Dark Blade’s Z.
  • Slightly buffed damage and hitboxes on Wando.
  • Soul Guitar no longer heals from ships.
  • Slightly reduced how dark it becomes in the ??? zone.


  • The shop will now display a few fruits at the top. Also, the order of some products has been rearranged.
  • Improved the logic on gift codes.
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