Best Warzone loadout – Season 5 Reloaded guide
These are the meta guns you need to build the best Warzone loadout for Season 5 Reloaded

In this guide we’ll show you how to build the best Warzone loadout for Season 5 Reloaded in Call of Duty: Warzone and Black Ops: Cold War.
As part of the September 15 Call of Duty: Warzone Season 5 Reloaded update, many of the game’s best weapons underwent substantial changes. For the most part, these weapons received noticeable nerfs that will likely impact your loadouts.
Because of the volume of changes, the Warzone meta has shifted ever-so-slightly, with some of the best weapons being far less usable now (while others are completely unusable). Others have climbed the ranks thanks to receiving buffs. In recent months, Activision and Raven Software have increased efforts to make more of the game’s weapons competitive. Even still, only 13 are considered meta.
Following the recent update, these are the current best Warzone loadout meta weapons:
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The best Warzone loadout weapons for Season 5 Reloaded are:
- EM2
- FARA 83
- KRIG 6
- PPSH-41
- MP5 MW
- OTS 9
- MAC-10
- KAR98K
- ZRG 20MM

- Muzzle: GRU Suppressor
- Optic: Microflex LED
- Underbarrel: Spetsnaz Grip
- Magazine: 45 Rnd
- Rear Grip: Serpent Wrap
Even though the AK-47 (Cold War) recently received a visual recoil reduction, it’s still challenging to use at long ranges. However, when you build it like a sniper support weapon, you’ll find it to be much more effective. Within 30 meters or so is where this weapon shines, allowing you to cover most of your bases effectively.
The AK47 has always hit hard, but was tough to use due to its kick and slow mobility. When you build it as a sniper support, you can preserve its aim down sights (ADS) speed, while allowing the weapon to still remain competitive at mid-range. For anything past 30 meters, you should consider using your sniper. But up close and at medium range, this weapon is vastly underrated — even more so since its recent buff.

- Muzzle: Agency Suppressor
- Barrel: 27.4” Ranger
- Optic: Axial Arms 3x
- Underbarrel: Field Agent Foregrip
- Magazine: 40 Rnd
The best thing about the current state of the EM2 is that it didn’t receive any nerfs following the September 15 update. Since so many other top-tier weapons did get changed, the EM2 has been indirectly lifted up.
And even prior to the update, the EM2 was — and still is — leaps and bounds better than most of the long range assault rifles in the game. According to TrueGameData, the EM2 has a faster time to kill (TTK) than the FARA 83, QBZ, Krig 6, and C58. It’s more so meant for long range engagements but is a higher skill weapon due to a few factors. Though, its tremendous TTK more than makes up for it.
That’s enough of a reason to give it a try, though be warned that the EM2 is a lot slower than other top-tier assault rifles. It has a slower ADS time, and is flat out heavier, nearly feeling like an LMG depending on how you build it. If you can learn how to control the EM2, and build it properly, you’ll come out on top since it kills so quickly. So long as you can land your shots.

- Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor
- Barrel: Tempus 26.4 Archangel
- Optic: VLK 3.0x Optic
- Underbarrel: Commando Foregrip
- Magazine: 60 Round Mags
Remember the Grau 5.56? This is a Modern Warfare weapon that dominated the meta when it launched. Since then, it has taken a backseat to many of the best Cold War weapons, but now that the meta has changed so much, the Grau 5.56 has a chance to shine. It doesn’t have the best TTKs, but its recoil is non-existent, making up for the massive Krig 6 nerf.
This is a great weapon to use if you aren’t the best at controlling recoil, especially for new players. It has usable iron sights, though we like utilizing an optic to secure those longer range eliminations. At around 40 meters, the Grau truly shines, but no matter how far away your target, you’ll have an easy time controlling the weapon thanks to its tremendously low recoil.

- Muzzle: Agency Suppressor
- Barrel: 15.5” Task Force
- Optic: Axial Arms 3x
- Magazine: STANAG 60 Rnd Drum
- Rear Grip: Serpent Wrap
Previously, the Krig 6 was the most user friendly long-range assault rifle, but following its drastic nerf, the weapon is no longer viable, sadly. Taking its place is the QBZ-83, an assault rifle that has been climbing the ranks in recent months. It doesn’t feel exactly like the Krig, but its damage is similar, along with its ease of use. It’s essentially like a harder hitting Grau 5.56, but with more recoil.
That’s the thing about the QBZ: It doesn’t hit hard, but it has low recoil, meaning it’s easy to control. This makes up for its lack of power in a huge way. If used past 30 meters, the QBZ is highly effective, especially since it’s so easy to stay on target while using it. Since the recoil is so low, you can get away with skipping an underbarrel in exchange for the Serpent Wrap Rear Grip, which improves ADS speeds.

- Muzzle: Sound Suppressor
- Barrel: 15.7” Task Force
- Stock: Raider Stock
- Underbarrel: Spetsnaz Grip
- Magazine: Spetsnaz 71 Rnd Drum
Although SMGs are almost always used for their close range benefits, the PPSh-41 is recommended due to how well it performs at mid-range. In fact, during engagements past 17 meters or so, you’ll find the PPSh to be one of the (if not the) best SMGs in the game. Sure, if you face off against someone wielding a shotgun or OTs 9 up close, you likely won’t stand a chance, but fortunately, it’s quite common to have to battle it out at mid range — which is where the PPSh shines.
Aside from that, the PPSh-41 has a large magazine size of 71, which is ideal for playing large team modes (especially Iron Trials). It has one of the best mobility speeds in the game, along with fast ADS times, making it hard to pass up. Even if it’s not the best up close, the PPSh-41 makes up for it in nearly every other regard.

- Barrel: Monolithic Integral Suppressor
- Laser: Tac Laser
- Optic: Solozero Optics Mini Reflex
- Underbarrel: Commando Foregrip
- Magazine: 45 Round Mags
Even though the MP5 just received a noticeable nerf after the launch of Season 5, it still remains one of the best SMGs in all of Warzone.
Now, it’ll likely take you an additional bullet to secure an elimination with it, but considering it was already so good, it remains a competitive choice. Since many other SMGs have been nerfed as well, the MP5 has found its way back to the top of the meta, with one of the best TTKs in the game. It’s a lightweight SMG that has been a Call of Duty staple for years now and for good reason. The MP5 has always been an excellent choice.
The nice thing about this weapon is that it features a barrel that has a built-in suppressor, allowing you to utilize another attachment slot instead. Keep in mind, the MP5 is significantly less effective beyond 9 meters or so, but if you stick to close quarters engagements, you’ll likely win most of your gunfights with it.

- Muzzle: Sound Suppressor
- Barrel: 8.1” Task Force
- Laser: Tiger Team Spotlight
- Stock: KGB Skeletal Stock
- Magazine: VDV 40 Rnd Fast Mag
The recent update significantly nerfed the OTs 9, but even still, it’s one of the best SMGs in the game. That just goes to show how good it was before. Now, it’s powerful instead of being overpowered. Its TTK is in line with the best SMGs in the game, but now it’s a little harder to use, due to its overall damage reduction.
Since this weapon caps out at 40 mags, we highly recommend using it in Solos or Duos. Anything beyond that might be tough since the weapon has such a low magazine size. To help mitigate this, it’s recommended to use the VDV 40 Rnd Fast Mag to take advantage of the faster reload speeds. The OTs 9 is slightly harder to use, but still competitive in the SMG meta.

- Muzzle: Agency Suppressor
- Barrel: 5.9” Task Force
- Laser: Tiger Team Spotlight
- Stock: Raider Stock
- Magazine: STANAG 53 Rnd Drum
The MAC-10 has fluctuated in and out of the meta, but it has always been a popular choice, even after receiving notable nerfs. As it stands, the MAC-10 is still a good choice because of its versatility, falling just between the PPSh-41 and MP5 (MW). It isn’t the best in any one situation, but remains competitive in many scenarios. The MAC-10 is a weapon that features high mobility, a fast rate of fire, and competitive TTK, especially at mid range.
Between 10 and 20 meters, the MAC-10 is actually one of the best options, beating many of the other top SMGs, so keep this in mind when choosing when to attack. It has fast ADS speeds, great iron sights, and is easy to use, even with such a high rate of fire. Although you might lose gunfights against certain SMGs up close, the MAC-10 is worth using due to how well it works at mid-range.

- Muzzle: Agency Choke
- Barrel: 21.4” Reinforced Heavy
- Laser: Ember Sighting Point
- Stock: No Stock
- Magazine: STANAG 12 RndTube
Since the close range meta has shifted so drastically, shotguns are viable and arguably the best one is the Gallo SA12. If built correctly, you can wipe an entire squad before needing to reload, though your range is limited to a few meters. Shotguns aren’t for everyone, but to those looking to battle it out up close, the Gallo is as good as they come.
One thing to note is that you’ll want to disable Automatic Tactical Sprint when using shotguns because otherwise, you’ll be interrupted when trying to fire. The nice thing about this particular build is that it prioritizes hip firing, with an emphasis on sprint to fire times. This means you’ll be able to start shooting before your foes can even react.

- Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor
- Barrel: Singuard Custom 27.6”
- Laser: Tac Laser
- Optic: Sniper Scope
- Rear Grip: Granulated Grip Tape
There’s debate amongst the community about what the best aggressive sniper is and it always comes down to either the Kar98k and the Swiss K31. We’ll cover the Swiss a little further down, but for now, you should know that the Kar98k is easily the best sniper in terms of ADS speeds. So when it comes to being aggressive, you’ll absolutely want to use the Kar since it’ll allow you to line up your shots faster.
While using the Kar, most players tend to take on enemies beyond around 30 meters or so, but skilled players often feel comfortable using it at 20 meters or even closer. While we don’t recommend using it within close-quarters firefights, the Kar98k is excellent since it can down a player in one shot to the head. It’s a high skill weapon that can be used to obliterate the competition if you take the time to learn its quirks.

- Muzzle: GRU Suppressor
- Barrel: 24.9” Combat Recon
- Laser: SWAT 5mw Laser Sight
- Magazine: Vandal Speed Loader
- Rear Grip: Serpent Grip
While the Kar98k has few downsides, the Swiss K31 actually fills in some of the gaps of its competitor. Both weapons are nearly identical, but the Swiss actually does more damage to the chest than the Kar98k. For this reason, we consider it slightly easier to use, especially if you’re a player who misses headshots often.
The Swiss also has a faster reload time than the Kar98k, which again is great for players who aren’t as experienced — who might reload more often. And speaking of which, since the Swiss has a built-in sniper scope by default, this actually frees up an attachment slot, allowing you to use something like the Vandal Speed Loader to gain even better reload times. Ultimately, both snipers are fantastic, so pick whichever one suits your play style and skill.

- Muzzle: Agency Moderator
- Barrel: 43.9” Combat Recon
- Laser: SWAT 5mw Laser Sight
- Magazine: 5 Rnd
- Rear Grip: Serpent Wrap
Since many battles in Warzone will occur at long range, you’ll want a sniper that can take out enemies at hundreds of meters away. This can allow you to eliminate your opponents without them even knowing what hit them – and for that, we recommend the ZRG 20mm. At first glance, this weapon is easy to overlook since it’s slow and only has a 3-round magazine size by default. But it makes up for this by having one of the best bullet velocity speeds in the entire game.
Previously, the HDR held the crown for bullet velocity, but now the ZRG is the king and is suited for taking shots at several hundred meters away. Having a faster bullet velocity means you won’t need to lead your shots as much, so keep that in mind when choosing your long range sniper loadouts. You likely won’t do well against someone using the Kar98k or Swiss K31 up close, but if you want to snipe someone across Verdansk, the ZRG is the weapon for you.

- Muzzle: Agency Suppressor
- Barrel: 21.8” Task Force
- Optic: Visiontech 2x (or something similar)
- Stock: Raider Pad
- Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip
We covered this weapon in more detail in our Stoner 63 in our loadout guide here, but the abbreviated version is that it’s the best LMG in Warzone. It’s relatively in line with many of Warzone’s best assault rifles, but has a lot more ammo and is a lot easier to control than other weapons. And at around 35 meters or so, the Stoner 63 has a better TTK than the EM2, Krig 6, and FARA 83. One thing to keep in mind is that it recently received a slight nerf, with an increase to its recoil and visual recoil. Though, even still, it’s hard to beat.
Sure, it’s a slow LMG with longer ADS times and reload speeds, but we still highly recommend it. You won’t be able to zip around the map with this weapon since it’s so heavy, but if you can take your time to set up your shots, you’ll be able to absolutely mow down multiple enemies at once before needing to reload. It isn’t always the most practical, though you’ll likely succeed with the Stoner 63 if you know how to use it.
BEST WARZONE LOADOUT: Honorable Mentions
Since the recent update rebalanced so many weapons, it has made many of them much more viable. With that in mind, we wanted to give a shoutout to a few honorable mentions including both versions of the FARA 83, C58, MP5 (CW), AK74u, and Streetsweeper. Some of these weapons weren’t changed following the update, but due to the rebalancing of other guns, these are more viable than before.