Anime Vanguards UPD 1 patch notes
Slayer, the game’s first significant update since launch, is in

Latest update
Anime Vanguards UPD 1 patch notes continue to trickle in as hotfixes make their way into the live game.
The latest Anime Vanguards patch notes and changelogs can help you make informed decisions for the latest update.
Anime Vanguards UPD 1 added, after a very long wait, around a dozen new units from the Jujutsu Kaisen series. It also added Tournaments with new Exclusive units, and new themed stages to get stuck into.
Anime Vanguards UPD 1 patch notes
As hotfixes continue to come in for UPD 1, we’ve broken the Anime Vanguards patch notes up into Day 0 (main patch) and additional days as each hotfix and bugfix comes through:
Day 3
- Renguko
- Fixed Renguko doing extra burn damage in some upgrades.
- Fixed Unwavering Focus going up to 30% damage increase instead of 20%.
- Fixed Purgatory Unleashed not increasing Renguko’s burn damage to 50%.
- Chaso
- Implemented new face for Shiny Chaso model.
- Fixed Chaso bleed proccing for every hit on his last move.
- Fixed Chaso third move dealing double damage.
- Implemented new face for Jag-o model.
- Infinite Mode now gives you 3x stage unit food items every 4 waves.
- Extended tournament end time by 2 days.
- Leaderboard and tournament rewards now display dark silhouettes of the unit model.
- Tournament interface now properly shows which tournament bracket you are on.
- Added a button to see element benefits when you click on a unit frame in the unit window.
- Improved confirmation message for transferring statistics to be more clear.
- Unit critical chance is now shown when you over over placed units and unit frames.
- Unit multiplier hover now displays the multiplier value up to two decimal places.
- Fixed Jag-o first passive not giving him any damage when killing enemies.
- Fixed Gujo (Infinity) cosmetic not showing clothes.
- Fixed an issue where Gold Shop timer wouldn’t visually work.
- Fixed an issue where Super Stat Chip challenge would award Rainbow Essence Stone instead of Super Stat Chip.
- Fixed an issue where your unit expansion slots would reset on join if you own the Extra Unit Inventory Space gamepass.
- Fixed an issue with paragon rewards display on act info showing inaccurate amounts.
- Fixed Godly or Z+ stat percentage sometimes downgrading when evolving a unit.
- Fixed an issue where feeding a unit that has equal experience to their max experience would notify you that the unit is already max level.
- Fixed an issue where duplicates of a unit wouldn’t show up when searching.
- Fixed being soft-locked when viewing off a unit that has no unit achievements shown.
- Gujo is also forced as the middle character and Chaso as the side character of the banner for this patch.
- Unit Quest fixes
- Fixed unit takedown quests not progressing
- Made it so that if you already own the evolved unit, the quest to evolve that unit will automatically complete itself.
- Fixed Tuji Evolve quest sometimes not progressing after you finished it once.
- Fixed enemies not spawning in the same order/amount as last match after pressing replay in tournaments or infinite gamemodes
- Fixed being unable to join another player’s paragon match. Tournaments have been reset in consideration of this bug.
- Rewrote the backend for the tournament bracket assigning process; players should hopefully now be assigned into brackets faster.
- Fixed an error with tournaments UI that could occur if you opened the tournaments UI without being in a bracket.
- The bracket display text now tells you if you haven’t been assigned in a bracket yet.
- Performance fixes for Shibuya; you should now no longer drop in performance after playing in Shibuya Station for extended periods of time.
- Fixed performance issues when using certain units for long periods of time in the same match (Song Jinwu, Igros and a few others).
- Thrice has been buffed; enemies spawned from Thrice now have immunity for 0.5 seconds.
- Clear amount for Boss Events in unit achievements has been lowered from 50 to 10.
Day 1
- Fixed other players being unable to join your paragon level in multiplayer
- Fixed paragon level always being 1 when picking level to join in lobby
- Fixed tournament leaderboards using the same leaderboard for all players. You will now see leaderboards for the brackets you are in.
- Slightly lowered Sukono spawn rate in Shibuya Infinite.
- Nightmare mode now uses starting modifier cards instead of additive modifier cards.
- fixed being unable to purchase items from raid shop
- Changed the Limitless Passive to increase DMG over waves instead of each attack received
- Tuji quest line fixed, replaying Act 2 to kill Tuji would keep rewarding the player with Tuji over and over? (Why would you do this, can’t even evolve those tuji’s LOL)
- Stats increasing more than 1 tier on evolving has also been fixed. (e.x A stats should only jump to S, and Z should only jump to Z+ etc etc.). Does not increase to Godly anymore on evolving
- Fixed paragon not working
- Added Itaduri (Shiny) model.
- Added a status effect icon for the Freeze debuff on enemies.
- Income display in upgrade interface for farm units is now properly separated by commas.
- Fixed tournaments interface not displaying anything. Enjoy losing! (new servers only)
- Fixed “Nobaba” appearing as a blank model in main game.
- Fixed an issue where the Cursed Train mechanic of Shibuya Station wouldn’t work if you clicked “next stage” from a previous stage that doesn’t have cursed train. (Cursed Train spawns in Act3-6, Infinite, and Paragon.)
- Fixed Jag-o passive 1 always having the 20% damage increase from the start, the passive should work as intended now.
- Fixed units sometimes being invisible on placement.
Day 0
- NEW STORY: Shibuya Station
- NEW LEGEND STAGE: Shibuya Massacre
- New Units!
- Nazuka (Epic)
- Inamuki (Legendary)
- Nobaba (Legendary)
- Todu (Mythic)
- Chaso (Mythic)
- Gujo (Mythic)
- Jag-o (Mythic)
- Itaduri…? (Mythic)
- Tuji (Exclusive)
- Julias (Exclusive)
- Mechamar (Exclusive)
- Mohato (Exclusive)
- Legendary Super Brolzi
- New Unit Abilities!
- Many unique abilities were added for some update units, some of which
allows you to cycle between two different buffs for the unit, and switch
places between two units.
- Many unique abilities were added for some update units, some of which
- Unit Elements!
- Each element will provide your characters with unique buffs!
- Enemies can have elemental weaknesses.
(Units with the required element/s will deal more damage.) - You can view what an element does by hovering over the element icon in
the unit upgrade interface. Additionally, you can also see the description of
an element. - New Elements listed as follows.
- Fire – Immune to Snare
- Water – Immune to SPA debuffs
- Nature – Immune to RNG debuffs
- Spark – Immune to DMG debuffs
- Holy – Reduce time of debuffs by 10%
- Curse – DMG +5% when attacking a boss
- Unbound – Increases Crit Rate by 5%
- Blast – Ignore 10% of enemies DMG reduction
- Cosmic – DMG +10% on placement
- Passion – Increase dodge chance by 10%
- Tournaments!
- Take on this new challenge with our Tournaments gamemode! Every
week, players will compete against each other on the selected map for
exclusive rewards! Additional damage modifiers and mechanics will also
be present to encourage different team compositions and strategy. The
map and modifiers will alternate weekly. Do your best and good luck out
there! - Traitless and Trait Enabled tournaments occur at the same time, giving
players 2 chances to obtain these rewards.
- Take on this new challenge with our Tournaments gamemode! Every
- Cursed Shop!
- Exchange Cursed Fingers for rewards that will help you enhance your
newly obtained units to their fullest potential! - Cursed Fingers can be obtained as a rare drop from Infinite Mode in
Shibuya Station.
- Exchange Cursed Fingers for rewards that will help you enhance your
- Gold Merchant!
- Each item has limited stock, and they reset every day.
- You can click on item frames to view details, and there’s also an Amount
field that makes it easy for you to define how much you want to buy. - Purchasable items go as followed;
- Essence Stones
- Stat Chips
- Unit Exp Food
- Stat Index!
- Added a button on the stat rerolling interface for opening the stat index
window. - Stat index will show the upper and lower limits of a statistics’s tier to your
unit’s DMG/SPA/RNG. - Stat Transfers!
- Transferring a stat to another unit is a guaranteed chance of happening,
but at the cost of the host unit having everything on it being reset. (Talk to
Cyan to access!) - Unit Level
- Trait
- Any other stats that you may have not transferred over
- Transferring stats costs gold, and the cost depends on how many stats
you would like to transfer. - Refurbished Enemy Index!
- We revamped the enemy info display to show more properties, and is now
split in different categories: - Overview
- We visually adjusted how the display looks to be clearer, easier to read,
and to be more descriptive. - Enemy Stats now show:
- Overshield Percentage
- Stun Duration
- Attack Time
- Amount of targeted units
- Whether or not they transform
- Unit-Specific Achievements!
- Complete these large amounts of new quests per unit, a new source to
obtain resources from as more and more units get added! Unit
achievements also reward you with unit-specific banners you can use to
customize your profile! - Some units will require certain quest completions before you are able to
evolve them in the future. - Unit achievements are shown on unit view and achievements window
- Unit Inventory Expansion!
- You can now expand your unit inventory space by buying expansion
slots with gold! - Unit expansion slots are found in the unit window interface, and cost
25,000 gold. - Price per expansion gets increased by 15,000 each time you buy it. (up to
3 times) - You get 25 extra unit slots when buying an expansion!
- New Update 1 Bundle!
- We visually adjusted how the display looks to be clearer, easier to read,
- New Battle Pass: Ice & Fire!
- A new battle pass has been released, along with new units to collect!
Progress through the battle pass by taking down enemies in any game
- Achievements!
- New Achievements!
- Train Station Massacre
- Prideful Prince
- Shadow Commander
- Vengeful Prodigy
- Bird of Hermes
- Knucklehead Ninja
- Eyes of Despair
- Dancer In Battle
- Added new buttons on the achievement interface to switch between
normal achievements and unit achievements.
- A new battle pass has been released, along with new units to collect!
- Unit Level Cap Increase
- Unit cap has been increased from 50 to 60!
- Damage Typing Rework!
- There is no more “Physical” or “Magic” type damage, damage numbers
now reflect based on the element of the unit. Such as “Fire” being Orange
numbers and “Nature” being green.
- Paragon Mode Rework!
- The behaviors of some cards are now different in paragon versus in other
acts on Nightmare difficulty. They scale slower, but pose more of a
challenge the more of the same card you pick. Paragon mode is now also
nightmare only. - When entering Paragon, you now pick a starting card first, followed by
additive cards. Starting cards do not stack, and are only chosen once
per session — whilst additive cards, like the name implies, stack.
- The behaviors of some cards are now different in paragon versus in other
- New Format
- Starting Cards
- Exploding
- Revitalize
- Thrice
- Quake
- Immunity
- Champions
- Additive Cards
- Strong
- Regeneration
- Shield
- Speed
- Dodge
- Drowsy
- Reward Changes (Paragon)
- 5% more gold and gems for each paragon level cleared
- 1 Stat Chip every 5 levels cleared
- 1 Super Stat Chip every 8 levels cleared
- 3 Trait Rerolls every 10 levels cleared
- 3-6 stage XP items (non-scaling)
- Leaderboard Interface Rework!
- Leaderboard viewing has been moved to Profile > Leaderboard.
- Players’ selected banners are now shown in their player frame.
- You can click on players on the leaderboard to view their profile.
- You can switch between Paragon and Infinite leaderboards easily.
- You can cycle between leaderboards for each stage easily.
- We have reworked the leaderboard interface to make it clearer and more
detailed. (You can also see the end-of-season rewards you can get.)
- Unit Evolution Changes
- Your unit stat tiers now increase when you evolve them.
- Profile Interface Improvements
- Player Level is now shown in the profile interface!
- Equipped Title is now shown in the profile interface!
- We’ve moved around elements of the profile interface to look cleaner and
more consistent. - Challenge Changes!
- Rainbow Stat Chip challenge has been removed, and Super Stat Chip has
been added as a reward to the regular Stat Chip challenge. - Miscellaneous
- Skip 10 Levels can now be gifted to other players.
- Units that drop from stages now have a chance to have a trait on drop.
- Better Searching Functionality
- We added fuzzy searching for UI item searches, so that you can
spell a few letters wrong and still get the correct results shown. - Unit Teams Interface Improvements
- You are now able to give a unique name to each of your unit teams!
- Hovering over unit frames on the team interface now displays their
stats! - Hover Tooltips Improvements
- Owned item amount / currency amount now shows on item and
currency hover tooltips. - Item Tooltips for now show more details for clearer
understanding. - Ability Tooltips for some units now show more details for clearer
understanding. - Ability tooltips now specify whether the ability has a global or
local cooldown. - Improvements to the appearance animation of hover tooltips.
- Quests Interface Improvements
- Quests interface has been improved; it’s no longer as squished as
before and quest frames are now longer. - Added timers for daily and weekly quest resets.
- Quest Rewards buffed
- BattlePass XP given increased from all available quests.
- Some gem amounts also increased slightly from weekly and daily.
- Unit Manager Improvements
- Hovering over a unit now adds a highlight to the unit’s model
(these highlights can also be viewed through walls). - Added a dark highlight to indicate if a unit cannot be upgraded.
- Added a Sell All button to easily sell all placed units in a match!
- Added a Cancel button at the bottom to easily exit out the unit
manager compared to before. - Stage Info Improvements
- You are now able to see bosses and their statistics on the stage
info interface. - Normal stages will show the bosses in that stage only, and infinite
mode will show every boss that can appear in the stage. - Unit Collection Improvements
- Hovering over a unit frame now displays their stats.
- Added rarity filters to the unit collection interface.
- Miscellaneous
- Settings:
- Automatically Sell Units with Traits (Only affects rarities
below Mythic, only works if you have autosell for that rarity
enabled). - Disable Other Players’ Units (Lobby setting) (Other
players’ units automatically get disabled if you have low
graphic levels regardless of this setting). - Disable Visual Effects setting now disables unit visuals.
(trait effects, aura, etc). - Disable Depth of Field setting disables the depth of field
effect for some maps (the effect used to blur distant objects,
disabling this will be good for performance ) - Added a search bar to settings interface to easily search for
certain settings! - You can now view the total yen earned by your farm units through
the upgrade interface.enter sell mode. - Statistics frame on the unit view interface now shows Unit DPS.
- Added a Claim All button to quests interface.
- Added Select All Rares/Epics/Legendaries on the unit interface
when you - Statistics frame on the summon view interface now shows Unit
DPS. - Statistics frame on the summon view interface now accounts for
unit statistics and traits on summon, so stats shown are more
accurate. - You can now hover over unit frames in the summon index to view
their stats. - You can no longer purchase certain items from the shop if you have
reached the item’s max quantity. - You can now swipe on mobile to close stage info/unit manager.
- Blossom’s Medical Chakra ability can now reduce status ailments by half (e.g.
stun) and remove stat debuffs from units. (e.g. Kisame’s SPA debuff). - Scaling for all infinite modes have been changed.
- As story stages progress each infinite mode will be harder, bosses were
the main factor for losing a run while enemies remained a non factor. - Notable Boss nerfs;
- Shield Statue: Overshield health has been reduced to 25% of his health,
down from 100%. - Paragon Base Scaling increased. (Enemy health will start off higher this time
around, getting harder as you progress with cards). - Paragon Card Reworks/New Cards!
- Revitalize: Now has 7.5% health regeneration.
- Strong: Now grants enemies 10% more health per card.
- Regeneration: Now heals 0.4% every second per card.
- Shield: Now grants +1 shield per card.
- Speed: Now grants +5% speed per card.
- Quake (NEW): Units will now “Quake”, every 5 seconds stunning
surrounding units. - Immunity (NEW): Immune to crowd control effects (e.x Stun, Slow).
- Champions (NEW): A miniboss spawns every 6 waves (Minibosses are
act 1-5 bosses but less health). - Dodge (NEW): Enemies have a 4% chance to dodge per card!
- Drowsy (NEW): Unit SPA increases 4% per card.
- Blossom’s Medical Chakra ability can now reduce status ailments by half (e.g.
- Fixed an issue where you sometimes need to press the profile button twice to
open up the profile interface. - Fixed an issue where players were able to join paragon stages that are higher
than their current paragon level. - Fixed some instances where the damage indicator is only shown for the first
enemy hit. - Fixed an issue regarding big cone AoE indicators that caused them to be rotated
incorrectly. - Fixed an issue where the stat reroll window would show incorrect stat potential
and takedown numbers if a unit is not selected. - Fixed an issue where max quantity display of item frames on the raid shop
window would reset after reopening the window. - Fixed a memory leak with the raid shop window.
- Fixed unit view, item view, and other interfaces having thicker strokes on smaller
resolutions. - Fixed an issue where the text stroke of the damage indicator wasn’t fading out
properly. - Fixed an issue where Show Unit Multipliers and Select Unit On Placement
settings did not work properly. - Fixed an issue where unit trait wasn’t displaying on the unit hover interface
in the main game.
- Fixed an issue where you sometimes need to press the profile button twice to
- Major optimizations to FPS and networking if you have Disable Damage
Indicators, Disable Visual Effects enabled, and Placed Units Visibility set to
the user. - General optimizations to FPS and networking all around, especially if you’re
going for long infinite runs. - Disabling Unit Visual Effects now also disables their auras.
- Some existing item displays were updated.
- Major optimizations to FPS and networking if you have Disable Damage
When is the next Anime Vanguards update?
The next Anime Vanguards update is expected to be UPD 1. No date has been set, and we don’t know which anime or manga series it’s set to feature.
UPD 0.5 launched around two weeks after the game’s release at around 06:30PM PDT. At the earliest, we expected UPD 1 to launch on Sunday, October 6 at around the same time. That didn’t happen.
There’s been no real mention of UPD 1. As such, there isn’t a whole lot to say regarding its potential release date or contents.
For more Anime Vanguards, check out how the new units stack up in our Anime Vanguards tier list. Get closer to them with the latest Anime Vanguards codes, or learn how to farm gems fast to afford the latest Mythic sooner.
Still stuck in the story mode? Here’s how to defeat the God Statue at the end of the final act.