Anime Last Stand codes for the Solo Leveling UPD (January 2025)
ALS codes can be a great source of easy unit rerolls

Latest update
A brand new Anime Last Stand code has been added to our list below, to make the Solo Leveling update.
Anime Last Stand codes continue to drop as the game gets near-weekly updates long after its release, decline, and triumphant second wind.
Anime Last Stand struggled as new Roblox tower defense titles looked to fill the Anime Adventures gap but rebounded under new leadership. New ALS codes can get you towers like Dio Over Heaven, Time King, and Water Goddess, and the rerolls needed to perfect them.
Anime Last Stand codes for the New Years UPD
Here are the working ALS codes right now, including any new Instagram codes:
- SoloLevelingUPDATE! (NEW)
- HapplyNewYear! | 10 Rerolls and 500 Snowflakes
- ALS2025! | 40 Rerolls
- HappyHolidays! | 10 rerolls and 200 snowflakes
- AncientVampireIsBack!! | 10 rerolls
- WuK0NGonTOP! | Christmas day code
- BogataL1T! | Christmas day code
- IcePr1nce! | Christmas day code
- NewGodly! | 8 Mythic Shards
- ChristmasRaid! | 25 Rerolls and 300 Snowflakes
- EventBP! | 20 Rerolls
- SORRYforIssues!! | 15 Rerolls, 200 Snowflakes
- BossRush! | 20 RR + 350 Jewels
- SkinBanner! | 25 Skin Tickets
- LateUpdSorry! | 20 RR + 2k Emeralds
- BossIGCool! | 15 rerolls
- Sorry4LateUPD! | 20 Rerolls and 25 skin tickets
- NewUpdateKrazy! | 25 Rerolls
- Sub2OtakuGaming | 10 Mythic Shards
- OtakuIsL1ve! | 15 Rerolls
- WorldHop! | 5 Story Skippers
- NewLobby! | 15 Rerolls
- NoLagWow! | 500 Jewels and 10 rerolls
- FateIsHere! | 3K Emeralds and 20 rerolls
- SryForDelay! | 10 rerolls
- LSwat! | 35 Rerolls
- Drops! | New drop potion
- GolDUnit | 15 Rerolls
- Tournaments! | 20 Rerolls
- Evos! | 3 perfect stat cubes and 10 stat cubes
- Tournaments! | 20 Rerolls
- last2Leave | Emeralds
- Roadto1MilSubs | Emeralds
- TY1MGroup | 20 rerolls
- MasteredUltraInstinct! | 30 rerolls
- DBUPDPt2! | 20 Ki Crystals, 15 rerolls
- NewEra! | 20 rerolls
- PodCastGoingCrazy!! | 50 rerolls
- LevelRewards! | 400 Jewels and 200 Halloween currency
- NewSecret! | 10 rerolls and 200 Jewels
- LagFixes!! | 25 rerolls
- 50RRPodcast! | Podcast rewards
- ThrillerBark | 25 rerolls and 1,000 jewels
- Raffle | 5 mythic shards and 10 rerolls
- Nomoredelay! | 15 rerolls
- 100RRLIMITEDTIMECODE | Podcast/Instagram code
- Thegrammyisbacky | Podcast/Instagram code
- ThrillerNext! | 20 rerolls
- BugsFixed! | 400 Event Currency and jewels
- BossStudio4Life | 25 rerolls
- 500MVISITS! | 50 rerolls
- Spooky! | 50 Candy
- Dracula!? | 5 Mythic Shard
- CLANWARS | 500 Jewels, 100 Candy, and 10 Rerolls
Expired codes
- SORRYLuvU! | 25 Rerolls
- BossStudio4Life! | 50 Rerolls
- Lagfixes!! | 50 rerolls
- TheFixesAreHere! | 10 rerolls
- SorryForBugs! | 400 Jewels, 15 rerolls, and 3 event spins
- PodcastyCodeBois! | Rerolls
- theGramALS | Rerolls
- NewGODLY!! | 400 Jewels and 5 Event Spins
- MakeYourClan! | 500 Jewels
- Bleach2 | 25 rerolls
- 2xPOINTS | 25 rerolls
- 300KLIKES!! | 15 rerolls and 250 Jewels
- SorryForBugs!! | 400 Soul Coins
- 10KAGAIN?? | Loads of rerolls and jewels
- ShinigamiVsQuincy | 25 Rerolls, 10 energy, 100 soul coins, and 10 reaitsu
- TheOne | 500 jewels
- ZankaNoTachi | 25 Rerolls, 250 jewels, 100 soul coins
- TYBW..? | 25 rerolls and 25 water essence
- NewBUNDLES?! | 10 rerolls
- QOLpart2Next! | 100 rerolls
- Welcome!! | 15,000 emeralds
- Goodluck!! | 1,000 jewels
- FollowDaIG | 15 rerolls
- JOJOUpdate! | 25 rerolls
- OverHeaven! | 30 rerolls
- 10KFR! | 50 rerolls
- HeavenUpdateHYPE?? | 25 rerolls and 100 jewels
How to use codes in Anime Last Stand

Not sure how to redeem Anime Last Stand codes? Follow these steps:
- Launch Anime Last Stand.
- Click the Codes button on the left side of the screen.
- Enter a working ALS code.
- Hit Redeem.
Boosts from ALS codes activate automatically. Be sure you’re ready to use a boost before you use a code.
Anime Last Stand patch notes
Here are the patch notes for the November 24, 2024 update titled DB Super (Inspired) Part 2:
- 8 New units
- Toppo (Inspired) – Shiny + Evo | Portal
- Vegeta (Inspired) – Evo | Story
- Goku (Inspired) – 2 Evos | Portal
- Hit (Inspired) – Evo | Battlepass
- Whis (Inspired) – Evo | Banner 2
- Jiren (Inspired) – Evo | Banner 3
- Frieza (Inspired) – 2 Evos | Banner 3
- Beerus (Inspired) – Evo | Banner 3
- Broly (Inspired) – Evo | Banner 3
- Content
- New GODLY (MUI Goku Inspired)
- New Heavenly Trials
- New Quest line
- 10 New Evolutions
- 1 New Shiny
- 1 New Portal (Can DROP SHINY??!)
- 1 New Story
- New SFX
- New Passives
- New Abilities
- New Material
- New Wheel Rewards
- New Battlepass Season
- New Gamepass: Mysterious Ball Radar
- Balance Changes
- Assists now count towards all units’ skill trees instead of just the unit who delivered the killing blow
- Perfect seal nerfed to 2x damage to ALL element-Needle Queen and Evo buffed
- Units added to trade pool
- Urahana
- Kin
- Kin (Venom Master)
- All halloween units (except Gecko)
When is the next Anime Last Stand update?
With the latest ALS update set for November 24, it’s too early to question when the next might be. Look at past updates for an idea of what’s added with each patch:
Looking for something else to play? Check out our other Roblox freebies including Anime Tower Defense codes, Anime Defenders codes, and Anime Card Battle codes. Anime Vanguards codes are also some of the most popular on the platform these days.