Anime Defenders tier list June 2024 – Best units for Story, Raid, and Infinite
Make (and clear) waves in Story, Infinite, and Raids with the top-tier Anime Defenders units

Anime Defenders is filled to the brim with units. Over 100, in fact. Not sure which units to pull? Can’t work out if a good story unit is good to bring into Infinite? See how they rank below.
Our Anime Defenders tier list will never be definitive. Things move quickly. What it can be, however, is a great template for working out which units to spend your XP food on, which to pull (or avoid) in a banner, and how to fill your six unit slots for each mode. With over 160 units to choose from, we’ll keep things simple by only including the very best.
Anime Defenders tier list – Best units for Story (June 2024)
With story chapters lasting around 15 waves on average, the best Anime Defenders units here are those that don’t take too long to power up to a satisfactory level. You can make do with just a few early on, but boss encounters prove that strength in numbers is key:
- S+
- Carp, Skull Warrior, Eld Wizardess, Flame Dragon King
- S
- Sharpshooter, Thunder Hokage, Prince of Curses
- A
- Pink Rockstar, Ice Admiral, Bloomer, Dragon Slayer, Gray
- B
- Cursed Sorcerer, Ant King, Esper, Four Tails, Lava Admiral
- C
- Ascended Saiyan, Light Admiral, Master Swordsman, Spirit Hybrid
- F
- Everything else.
Anime Defenders tier list – Best units for Infinite and Raids (June 2024)
In Infinite Mode, some units fair better than others. It’s a case for low-cost towers to scale well. The kind that only reaches their true potential toward the end of a typical 15-wave story run. ICash-boosting units like Bloomer and Pink Rockstar shine here:
- S+
- Pink Rockstar, Ice Admiral
- S
- Bloomer, Carp, Flame Dragon King, Elf Wizardess, Gray, Cursed Sorcerer, The Gamer,
- A
- Skull Warrior, Lava Admiral, Prince of Curses, Sharpshooter, Ascended Saiyan.
- B
- Light Admiral, Master Swordsman, Thunder Hokage
- C
- Ant King, Dragon Slayers, Esper, Four Tails, Strongest Swordsman
- F
- Everything else.
Anime Defenders tier list – Best units for beginners (June 2024)
Just getting started? Here are the Anime Defenders units you’ll want to slide into your limited slots early on to rush through the main story chapters:
- Pink Rockstar
- Bloomer
- Ice Admiral
- Cursed Sorcerer
- Gray
- Ant King
- Esper
- Four Tails
- Lava Admiral
- Ascended Saiyan
- Light Admiral
- Master Swordsman
- Spirit Hybrid
You’ll be able to beat most of the game’s story content with just about any unit. Team composition and strategy is king, after all. It’s just that if you’re looking to reroll or get top-tier units that’ll help you make progress in post-story modes, look to the ones above.
It’s easy to get multiple copies of Epic units. Banner pity is generous. So don’t expect to use common and rare units for long. Don’t invest too heavily in them.
Be sure to read up on how to level up fast in Anime Defenders. If you’re new level eight is the key point you’ll want to reach.
For more on one of the top-ranking Roblox TD games on the platform right now, get a load of these Anime Defenders codes. Or maybe the Anime Defenders Trello link is what you’re after? We have bad news on that front.