Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is a third-person action-adventure shooter set in an open-world Metropolis. Playable solo or with up to four players in online co-op, its original story follows Suicide Squad members Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang and King Shark, who are on a mission to save Earth and kill the world’s greatest DC Super Heroes, The Justice League.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League News
January’s PlayStation Plus includes one of last year’s high-profile games
Sony has detailed January’s ‘free’ PlayStation Plus games
Suicide Squad’s current season will be its last, offline mode coming this week
Suicide Squad’s final seasonal update launches in January 2025
Rocksteady is reportedly the latest studio to suffer layoffs, with Suicide Squad’s poor sales blamed
One employee was reportedly told they'd been made redundant in the middle of paternity leave
Warner Bros is ‘looking at’ licensing its IP to other game studios
CEO David Zaslav says other developers are interested in working with Warner properties
Warner Bros sees 41% year-on-year drop in Q2 gaming revenue due to Suicide Squad sales
The company says Suicide Squad has sold far worse than Hogwarts Legacy
Amazon Prime is currently giving away Suicide Squad, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Chivalry 2
The PC games are available to claim until July 18
Amazon Prime is giving away 3 more PC games, including Suicide Squad
Chivalry 2 and Rise of the Tomb Raider are also coming
In Brief
Suicide Squad’s Season 2 release has been delayed at the last minute
The new content will now arrive two weeks later than originally planned
In Brief
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Season 2 roadmap revealed
New content launches on July 11
Rocksteady is reportedly working on a Hogwarts Legacy Director’s Cut
Studio also planning to pitch a new single-player game following Suicide Squad flop, it’s claimed