Nintendo Switch Sports is a motion control sports game for Nintendo Switch.
The game features six sports at launch: tennis, bowling, chanbara (swordplay), football/soccer, badminton and volleyball.
Nintendo Switch Sports News
In Brief
Nintendo Switch Sports is adding Basketball this week
It will be made available via a free update
In Brief
Nintendo Switch Sports is getting Basketball via a free update
2-v-2 and high score matches planned
Nintendo Switch Sports’ free golf update arrives next week
The DLC will include 21 holes and an online Survival Golf mode
Nintendo plans to bring Switch Sports back online and compensate players for downtime
The game was taken offline last week after a bug was found in its latest update
A Switch Sports datamine has revealed its upcoming unlockable costumes
13 future outfit collections were added to the game in a new update
Switch Sports is adding new football and volleyball features next week
The game's free summer update incudes leg strap functionality
Nintendo says Switch Sports is off to an ‘extremely strong start’
Furukawa believes the game has been mainly purchased by fans of Wii Sports in their 20s
Review: Switch Sports is transformed by its online modes
The Wii Sports successor really comes into its own when you're playing against others
Switch Sports is No 1 in the UK, but it’s hard to tell how its predecessors compare
The gaming landscape is different to when Wii Sports Resort was released in 2009
24 hours after release, a Switch Sports player has already smashed their TV
The original Wii Sports was notorious for players accidentally flinging their controllers