Exoprimal is an online shooter developed by Capcom.
Set in 2043, it has players taking control of an Exofighter as they try to figure out why mysterious vortexes have been opening up, unleashing endless swarms of dinosaurs.
Exoprimal News
Despite 90% of its sales now digital, Capcom claims it won’t stop producing physical games
The Monster Hunter firm predicts 93% of its sales will be digital this year
Exoprimal’s seasonal content is ending, Capcom confirms
Previous content will return starting next week for the foreseeable future
Capcom says it’s on track for an 11th straight year of growth after strong sales
Street Fighter 6 tops 2.47 million sales, Resident Evil franchise clears 150 million
Capcom confirms its Tokyo Game Show line-up and online presentation details
A pre-recorded stream will feature news on the publisher’s latest games
How to watch the Capcom Showcase live stream today
It will include news looks at Dragon's Dogma 2, Exoprimal and more
Capcom’s dinosaur shooter Exoprimal is launching on Game Pass
Plus an open beta test will take place later this month
Capcom has confirmed the line-up for its Tokyo Game Show online presentation
Street Fighter 6, Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, Mega Man, Exoprimal
Capcom held an Exoprimal network test: Here’s 4 hours of gameplay
Two more PC tests are planned for the coming weeks
Capcom’s Exoprimal is getting a closed network test in July
Players can register now for a chance to take part
Dino Crisis producer confirms he’s ‘deeply involved’ in Exoprimal
Hiroyuki Kobayashi is part of the team developing Capcom's upcoming dinosaur game