Cloud Chamber
Cloud Chamber is a 2K-owned development studio founded in 2019 to work on a new BioShock game.
Cloud Chamber will build its team at two locations: 2K’s San Francisco Bay Area headquarters in California, as well as in Montréal, Québec, which marks the firm’s first Canadian office.
The studios will be led by company veteran Kelley Gilmore, who previously worked for two decades at Firaxis Games across executive production, marketing direction and public relations.
Ken Schachter, who previously served as GM for Zynga in Toronto, as well as founded independent game developer Trapdoor, will be Cloud Chamber’s Studio Manager in Montréal.
Cloud Chamber News
2K’s BioShock team is ‘recruiting like mad’ for the next series entry
Cloud Chamber has almost 30 openings to work on the game
BioShock 4 will be an open world game, a job advert has suggested
Next entry in the series not expected to take place in Rapture or Columbia
BioShock 4 will take place in ‘a new and fantastical world’, job listing suggests
Series looks set to move beyond Rapture and Columbia