The Initiative
The Initiative is a new first-party Xbox game studio based in Santa Monica, California. The company was announced in June 2018, with the claim that it’s been given “freedom to explore, try new things and operate like an independent studio.”
The Initiative News
Perfect Dark is reportedly 2-3 years away and could be released episodically
Microsoft has been working on the franchise reboot since 2018
Xbox Studios boss says the days of single-studio AAA games are ‘long gone’
Matt Booty says Crystal Dynamics' work on Perfect Dark is normal, not proof of "a problem"
Insiders describe ‘fast and furious’ exits from Xbox’s Perfect Dark studio
As much as half of the core development team have quit in the past year; Initiative management says it's "confident" in its team
Xbox says it ‘jumped at the chance’ to work with Crystal Dynamics on Perfect Dark
Studios boss Matt Booty thinks it would have been remiss to turn down the opportunity
Perfect Dark’s former lead designer left Xbox to rejoin Sony’s Insomniac
Drew Murray recently quit The Initiative citing personal reasons
Analysis: Who’s working on the new Perfect Dark?
Third-person action game veterans are helming Xbox's sci-fi spy reboot
Xbox has officially announced a new Perfect Dark from The Initiative
New Xbox studio finally announces its debut project at The Game Awards
New Xbox studio said to be working on Perfect Dark hires PlayStation and Infinity Ward talent
From studios including Naughty Dog, Santa Monica and Insomniac
Xbox’s new studio ‘is working on a third-person Perfect Dark game’
Journalist claims The Initiative is resurrecting the Rare shooter series
Xbox studio’s secret project contains ‘gadgets and surveillance cameras’
It’s previously been suggested The Initiative is working on a reboot