‘We can only spend time on so many live service games’ – Comments of the Week

We round up the correspondence VGC has received this past week

Chris Scullion

‘We can only spend time on so many live service games’ – Comments of the Week
This is a blog post, where VGC writers post irreverent and (occasionally) entertaining coverage of video game culture.

We spend all week writing words for you, our dear readers, so it’s only fair that we read the words you write back at us.

Comments of the Week is our weekly round-up in which we look at our favourite:

  • Comments posted in our
  • Replies to our tweets
  • Messages in the VGC Discord server (join us!)
  • Comments on our YouTube videos

To qualify for Comments of the Week, a comment doesn’t have to necessarily be amusing (though it certainly helps its chances). It can be a good point, an interesting observation or, on occasion, something so ridiculous it has to be called out.

It should go without saying, but if you want to have a chance of being featured in Comments of the Week in the future then be sure to comment on our articles, reply to our tweets, comment on our YouTube videos and join our Discord server. We’ll take it from there.

Here’s what made the cut this week.

Comments of the week

Sony is reportedly eying District 9’s director for a Gran Turismo movie

“Why?! GT is much loved by it’s fans but I think you’d clock off at the end of a hard days searching without ever finding one that told you they play for the story.

“What’s next, DualSense Controller the Movie?

“I get Jax and Dexter and Horizon etc. But some of the choices are bizarre. It’s like Sony are flinging darts at a spinning wheel of IP’s and just going with it.”

Oh come on Caffeine Rage, who wouldn’t want to watch a movie where a guy just sits in a coffee shop all day while people turn up and talk about cars for no reason?

Steam listing suggests Returnal is coming to PC

“HOPEFULLY it supports all the DS controller features on PC, because the feedback in that game on the controller is unbelievable with all the little nuances you feel and the pull in the triggers… will 100% get this again on PC (as well as every other title they port over)”

Good shout, Goggalor – if a PS5 game makes full use of haptic triggers then you’d hope the PC version will too.

PlayStation says half of its releases will be on PC and mobile by 2025

“I wonder when these honchos will realise there is a ceiling to the amount of live services people can invest their time (and money) into.”

We know the feeling Jimmy Donnellan – we’re juggling four or five at the moment and it feels like we’re taking on a second job.

DICE is winding down development on Battlefield 2042’s Hazard Zone

“Lol ‘winding down’ would imply there was work being done on it up until now.

“But that mode was a ghost town just a week after launch, and the devs didn’t seem interested in even having voice chat ready to go for a teamwork-based mode.”

To be fair rogueCortex, sometimes a team just knows when a mode isn’t working and decides to focus its efforts on the more popular one. It isn’t great for the fans of that mode though, obviously.

‘We can only spend time on so many live service games’ – Comments of the Week

Capcom has launched a Dragon’s Dogma 10th anniversary website

“One of those games I tried and tried to get into and couldn’t for the life of me. Even bought the expanded version, remaster etc. But saying that I would buy a sequel if one came out. And try again to get into it.”

We’ll see you back on here after the new game’s out and you’ve given up on it again, Fallenlords.

Geoff Keighley says to expect fewer third-party showcases this summer

“Whilst the impact of covid was mentioned by Geoff, hopefully this is less of a covid-related issue and more to do with companies/devs reigning back on announcing/revealing new games multiple years in advance (followed up by the expected delay(s)).”

It’s maybe a bit of both, Terry Sazio. While the impact of Covid is lessening now, many of the games that would have been revealed this year would have been in the very early stages of development when the pandemic started, affecting their initial design phases (when group collaboration is even more vital). 

Former Xbox exec says he’s ‘scared’ of Game Pass’s potential impact

“Gamepass makes me really enjoy a game and then takes it away. Later on I will see it on sale and think, i really enjoyed that game and can’t play it anymore, I might as well buy it to finish it up. Those games I wouldn’t have bought previously because I would still have to figure out if I enjoyed the game or not.

“Gamepass sells games. People can speculate all they want but it’s going to stick around through this entire generation and onto the next because of it.”

We have to admit we’ve done the same a couple of times, dTCrass.

Xbox ‘turned Marvel down’, leading to Spider-Man on PS4, exec reveals

“‘Microsoft‘s strategy, Ong recalls, was to focus on its own IP, and as such, it decided to pass on the offer.’

“Insert Quantum Break joke.”

Hey, we will defend Quantum Break to the death, Chad Hogan Live.

Tweets of the week

We’d like to hear from more people who are happy with Switch Online’s retro games, because the negativity is boring.

Cast Seth Rogen as that corkscrew turn at Laguna Seca and we’ll talk.

Does Nando’s count as fast food? Probably not, eh?


By the time we got to the end of this tweet, “cool cool” felt like a lifetime ago.

This is the thing – it’s fair to say PS VR’s not been getting too many bangers recently. Sony doesn’t just have to start well with VR 2, but keep the launch momentum going with regular interesting games.

There’s no accounting for taste, it seems.

This is an interesting take on it because Ape Escape had completely different voice acting in Europe and North America, so it’s one of the few situations where European players might actually want to play the 50Hz version because it’ll have the voice acting they remember.

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